Wednesday, October 9, 2024

HMS 2024/25 Spiritwear - ON SALE NOW!!

HMS Spiritwear -  ON SALE NOW

  ***   PLACE YOUR ORDER by Oct 31!  ***  

Follow this link for pricing and online ordering:

Sunday, October 6, 2024

 Hunt Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes -  Friday, Oct 4, 2024 -7:45-9am

HMS-PTO  website || Hunt PTO VENMO: Business Profile Lyman C. Hunt PTO [@HUNT-PTO] || Prior meeting notes

Hunt Family Involvement Infographic

Corrections to huntmiddleschool [@]

Welcome and Introductions: Krista, Johnny, Dana, Maricela, Kristin, Christine, Robin, Ellie, Matt, Pete, Chris, Colleen, Principal Melanee Alexander

Principal’s Updates:

September Highlights - 
  • Open House - run very differently this year with parents following kids schedules, feedback was mixed. Will do same format next year and make more clear the structure ahead of time to encourage families to come on time.
  • As compared to students last year at this time, greater pushback around boundaries. 
  • Very new special educator team and new model. Pushing into core classes in addition to other services, “train the trainer” model, emphasis on science literacy. Feedback indicates everyone is more engaged. 
  • Melanee has been in every classroom; current 6th graders are excited, enthusiastic, and want to share. 
  • Construction on school site - water from roof will be redirected to then irrigate grounds. Was supposed to start this summer but was delayed. Slated to be done 10/25/24. 
    • Opportunity to fix playing fields during construction? Not at this time unfortunately. Fields repair over $60K reportedly - in the hands of finance/facilities. Suggestion for parents to go to school board meeting and raise issue - need parent power to speak up. Consider subcommittee?  Sports very difficult for parents because every game is away and requires parents to transport players regularly. Include Quoron in subcommittee. Fields also need porta potties, etc. 
      • Parent question about recess - parent will get non-Burlington school schedule and forward to Melanee. 
      • PE is offered daily for kids who don’t have other electives.
  • School improvement grant status - did not discuss
  • Family communication Updates - did not discuss
  • Technology / chromebook Updates - did not discuss
  • Family Advisory Council - did not discuss
HMS Sept. Events Recap
    • Panther Pride (LGBTQIA+ group) in pride parade Sunday 9/8 12pm  - did not discuss

    • Potluck followed by Open House, Sept 24 (5-7)  - did not discuss

Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024
  • Mr. Kerr - not present 
  • Ms. Orlando - Whiteboard ($350) & Document camera ($200) - not present
  • Ms. Maisie - Field Trip to Echo (city bus & movie tix) - not present
  • Ms. Bartlett - Montreal Trip (78 kids, 2x buses) - Last year PTO provided $1000. This year the trip has doubled in size. Shuttle was largest expense, $1830 for 36 kids, this year 55 kids. Met with Edmunds counterpart who chaperoned last year, wants to do her own trip this year but may  combine as Edmunds has smaller group. Will do pen pals again, would be great to meet pen pals in Montreal. International movie night fundraiser - donation based? Finding a sponsor?
    • Suggestions to have kids involved in their own fundraising - car wash, direct ask letters, etc.?
PTO Business:
Fundraising Efforts Underway
  • OCT/NOV School Swag sale
    • Pricing from New Duds - $18 Tshirts, $22 long sleeve, $30 Sweatshirt
      • Adam can make flyer
      • Some parents may have already ordered from BSDVT site
      • Melanee would like to see flyer before rollout
      • Consider raising prices of adult items
    • Panther Pride rainbow tshirt
      • NewDuds will subsidize
    • Sale will run through Oct 31 to receive items by late Nov.
  • Direct Ask! Need to send out ASAP
    • Christine drafted letter for corporate direct ask
    • Amy drafted letter for family direct ask
      • Melanee can send out family direct ask letter via school listserve
      • Consider verbiage around supporting your student and another
      • Consider looping in other family members, the more specific the better
      • Direct ask - $55/kid would raise $18K
      • Dana can share draft of CP Smith letter
      • Small donation request cards to put in businesses?
  • Claussen’s Plant Sale
    • Spring likely best, missed out on fall mum's but can consider for next year!
  • Restaurant HMS nights
    • Butter - 10% of proceeds
      • Thurs Nov 21
    • Pingala - a thurs or fri night 15% of proceeds 3pm-close.
    • NEED A DATE! - October 18th? When kids are at Hunt movie night? 
      • Christine to follow up.
    • La Boca?
    • Volcano? Delight, Flatbread, Others to ask?
      • Many NNE restaurants overwhelmed by requests - consider downtown restaurants
  • Robin working on grants, we’re not a non-profit, would be some expense and definitely maintenance - will work with Melanee and Megan this year to apply on school behalf.
    • Chris said he could work with Maricela on that if we want non-profit status. 
    • Consensus seems to be that it would be good idea to access more funds.
  • Families and fires” idea - Starr Farm S’More night, webers, break out by grade, skating optional - Johnny + committee to get ball rolling a bit later in fall.
Upcoming Events List of Events Oct-Dec.
  • Oct 18 HMS Movie Night 
    • Which movie? Need PTO presence.  (Bake sale not great idea for this as no food allowed in auditorium.)
  • Oct 22 6:30-7:30 6th grade family art evening - did not discuss
    • Sandra Hawkes, 6th graders
  • Nov 5 Election Day Bakesale
    • Hunt’s will be at the Elks, Amy to create signupgenius for volunteers and baked goods
  • Nov 9 UBUNTU Service Project (what is this?) - did not discuss
    • Christine to send out announcement to parents.
  • Dec 6 First Dance - to be discussed at november PTO meeting.
    • What PTO help is needed? (Dana & Megan to meet?)
  • SCHOOL PLAY - to be discussed at november PTO meeting.
    • Need to start prelim planning - committee needed!

Teacher expenditure approvals on hold until Jan 2025 , but ideas are welcome and will help direct asks!

What PTO Funded in 2023-2024

Team Phoenix: Camp Abenaki trip (9/20)


Team Synergy: ECHO movie tickets (12/8)


Trivia night pizza (2/2)


Orchestra Night dinner (3/13)


Team Calypso pizza party (2/2)


Little Mermaid Misc. Expenses 

[Very Merry Theater paid using $420 in carryover drama funds + targeted 2024 donations from Venmo/bake sales = $2109.87]


Para-Educator Appreciation snacks & flowers 


8th Grade French Field Trip to Montreal/7th grade Poutine

[M. Bartlett raised addition $980 to cover activities]


Water for Sudan Fundraiser


8th grade Great Escape Trip PTO Contribution 


Team Synergy walking field trip (creemess) 


Team Calypso field trip (transportation)


Garden tools/supplies




Next meeting:  in-person, generally 1st Fridays of the Month from 7:45-9am.  Next meeting: ** Second Friday** November 8 (no school on Nov 1).

Please send any agenda items to huntmiddleschool [@]

PTO ListServ:  The Hunt PTO welcomes all families to the Hunt community. To better stay in touch with each other please consider getting on the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Hunt PTO meeting! 10/4

*** Join us! ***

Friday October 4th @ 7:45am - 9am in the Hunt Middle School Library or virtually (google meet link)

We are looking for more folks to help out with fundraising!

Can you help us? Do you have connections to local businesses? Do you have an idea for an awesome fundraiser or do you want to help out with planning efforts over the next couple of months? If you can spare an hour or two we'd love to have your contribution.

Join us or reach out at


PTO leadership

Saturday, September 28, 2024

**Last Minute Announcement!**

This Sunday, 9/29 from 10-11am is the last official Garden Volunteer Hour until the UBUNTU Community Service Project in the garden on Saturday, 10/27!  Come enjoy some crisp fall weather and quality time in the garden! 🍁🍂

Now Harvesting:
  • BEANS!  Fun green and purple flecked ones!
  • 💐Bloom-tiful flowers! 
  • 🪻Lavender, rosemary, and sage! 
  • 🥬Kale (a constant) 
  • 🍒Ground cherries - particularly sweet this week 
  • 🍈Cucamelons- they never fail to delight! 
Upcoming Tasks:
  1. Thinning the baby lettuce which has come up!
  2. ♥️Harvesting 
  3. Composting plants that are diseased
  4. Planning next steps for putting the garden to bed, keeping in touch over the winter, and visioning for the UBUNTU service project!
A PHENOMENAL season in the HMS School Garden!  This is my third year teaching at HMS, and of the years I've been here this is the one the garden has received the most love and flourished the most!  I cannot even begin to put into words how much joy and care the garden has generated, or count how many students, staff, and community members have benefitted from it.  THANK YOU thank you, thank you to every volunteer and pollinator and plant!

With bushels of gratitude,


Maisie Anrod (she/her)
6th Grade Science and Math
Lyman C. Hunt Middle School

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First PTO Meeting of 24/25!

Please Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year!

When:  Friday, Sept 6th, 7:45am-9am
Where: Hunt Middle School Library or virtually Google Meet 
(If joining virtually, please give us 5 or so mins to get the meeting up and running!)

Our draft agenda is here:
Please email with any additions!

  • Welcome and Introductions: 

  • Principal’s Updates:

    • First two weeks of school highlights

    • Electives/enrichment courses

    • School improvement grant status

    • Family communication

    • Technology / chromebooks

    • Advisory structure

    • BREAKFAST and getting to school early

  • Family Advisory Council:

    • Melanee to explain 

  • Upcoming HMS Events - how can PTO / families assist?  

    • Playing Fields -  Sept 10 - 4PM

      • PTO table to sign more people up and promote PTO

    • Potluck, Sept 24

      • 2-3 parents to help coordinate

      • Amy to set up the signup genius

    • Events for Oct-Dec

    • Parent involvement survey.

  • Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024

  • PTO Business:

    • Parent/guardian involvement, needs

      • Committees

        • Fundraising Committee

        • Dance Committee

        • Bake sales Coordinators

        • School Community Events

          • Book fair

          • Spelling Bee?

          • Science Fair

          • Pancake Breakfast 

            Talent Show


        • School Play

        • Garden Committee

          School Swag

      • Volunteer protocol/paperwork for parent/guardian field trip chaperones

    • Fundraising Activities: 

      • Need to come up with ideas

        • family direct ask (late sept)

        • solicitation for donations from big local businesses

        • Grants (Robin)

        • silent auction

        • Winter Gear Drive

        • Election Bake Sales @ Miller Center & St. Marks

        • Student committee for fundraising?

      • PTO non-profit status

    • Teacher expenditures