
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First PTO Meeting of 24/25!

Please Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year!

When:  Friday, Sept 6th, 7:45am-9am
Where: Hunt Middle School Library or virtually Google Meet 
(If joining virtually, please give us 5 or so mins to get the meeting up and running!)

Our draft agenda is here:
Please email with any additions!

  • Welcome and Introductions: 

  • Principal’s Updates:

    • First two weeks of school highlights

    • Electives/enrichment courses

    • School improvement grant status

    • Family communication

    • Technology / chromebooks

    • Advisory structure

    • BREAKFAST and getting to school early

  • Family Advisory Council:

    • Melanee to explain 

  • Upcoming HMS Events - how can PTO / families assist?  

    • Playing Fields -  Sept 10 - 4PM

      • PTO table to sign more people up and promote PTO

    • Potluck, Sept 24

      • 2-3 parents to help coordinate

      • Amy to set up the signup genius

    • Events for Oct-Dec

    • Parent involvement survey.

  • Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024

  • PTO Business:

    • Parent/guardian involvement, needs

      • Committees

        • Fundraising Committee

        • Dance Committee

        • Bake sales Coordinators

        • School Community Events

          • Book fair

          • Spelling Bee?

          • Science Fair

          • Pancake Breakfast 

            Talent Show


        • School Play

        • Garden Committee

          School Swag

      • Volunteer protocol/paperwork for parent/guardian field trip chaperones

    • Fundraising Activities: 

      • Need to come up with ideas

        • family direct ask (late sept)

        • solicitation for donations from big local businesses

        • Grants (Robin)

        • silent auction

        • Winter Gear Drive

        • Election Bake Sales @ Miller Center & St. Marks

        • Student committee for fundraising?

      • PTO non-profit status

    • Teacher expenditures

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hunt PTO 2024-2025

The Hunt Middle School PTO is an organization open to all members of the greater Hunt Middle School community, including families and teachers/staff. 

Our objectives are to promote and support: 

  1. Families' involvement in their child’s learning.

  2. School, community, activities, and events which may include fundraisers and donations.

  3. Community social events to bring home and school into a closer relationship.

  4. Volunteer opportunities in the school/community.

  5. Students and their endeavors.

Meetings for the 2024-2025 will generally be held on the 1st Friday of the month from 7:45am-9am in the Hunt Library. (for 2024/2025 the dates are Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 8*, Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, Mar 7, Apr 4, May 2, Jun 6)

If you cannot join in person, please join at the following google link: Meeting Link

Anyone may view past meeting notes by following this link.
This years meeting notes will be posted here: follow this link

The Leadership Team includes: Maricela Constantino (Sophia, 8th), Amy Kiviranna (Maggie, 7th), Christine White (Colin, 8th; Morgan 6th), Robin Collins (Sylvia, 7th), Dana Epstein (Leon, 7th) and YOU! (want a role? We've got one for you!)

Stay in touch!  By joining the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".

Monday, July 24, 2023

Hunt Middle School PTO 2023-2024

The Hunt Middle School PTO is an organization open to all members of the greater Hunt Middle School community, including families and teachers/staff. 

Our objectives are to promote and support: 

  1. Families' involvement in their child’s learning.

  2. School, community, activities, and events which may include fundraisers and donations.

  3. Community social events to bring home and school into a closer relationship.

  4. Volunteer opportunities in the school/community.

  5. Students and their endeavors.

Meetings for the 2023-2024 will generally be held on the 1st Friday of the month from 7:45am-9am in the Hunt Library.

Anyone may view past meeting notes by following this link.

The Leadership Team includes: Maricela Constantino (Sophia, 7th grade), Christina Erickson (Iris, 8th grade) and YOU! (want a role? We've got one for you!)

Stay in touch!  By joining the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Hunt Middle School PTO 2022-2023

The Hunt Middle School PTO is an organization open to all members of the greater Hunt Middle School community, including families and teachers/staff. 

Our objectives are to promote and support: 

  1. Parents’/Guardians' involvement in their child’s learning.

  2. School, community, activities, and events which may include fundraisers and donations.

  3. Community social events to bring home and school into a closer relationship.

  4. Volunteer opportunities in the school/community.

  5. Students and their endeavors.

Meetings for the 2022-2023 will be held virtually on the 3rd Monday of the month from 6:30-7:45pm in the Hunt Library or via Google Meets: 

Anyone may view past meeting notes by following this link.

The Leadership Team includes: Maricela Constantino (Antonia, 8th grade, Sophia, 6th grade), Christina Erickson (Iris, 7th grade) and YOU! (want a role? We've got one for you!)

Stay in touch!  By joining the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".

Monday, December 6, 2021

Hunt Middle School PTO 2021-2022

The Hunt Middle School PTO is an organization open to all members of the greater Hunt Middle School community, including families and teachers/staff. 

Our objectives are to promote and support: 

  1. Parents’/Guardians' involvement in their child’s learning.

  2. School, community, activities, and events which may include fundraisers and donations.

  3. Community social events to bring home and school into a closer relationship.

  4. Volunteer opportunities in the school/community.

  5. Students and their endeavors.

Meetings for the 2021-2022 will be held virtually on the 3rd Monday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm

Anyone may view past meeting notes by following this link.

The Leadership Team includes: Monika Ivancic (Zoe, 8th grade), Angela Smith-Dieng (Absa, 8th grade), Maricela Constantino (Antonia, 7th grade), Christina Erickson (Iris, 6th grade)

Stay in touch!  By joining the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".

Friday, October 27, 2017

Hunt Middle School PTO Blog - 10/27/17

Dear Hunt Families-

Please see below an important update to the school year calendar from the Superintendent's Office. This update will also be posted onto the BSDVT website calendar. 

Important Updates to the 2017-18 School Year CalendarThe Superintendent’s Office has made the following changes to the SY 17-18 District Calendar to account for student days lost during the work stoppage in September. These school days are being made up in March rather than June to allow for greater instructional value and to prevent extending the school year.

  • Tuesday, March 6 -School will be in session on Town Meeting Day, ending spring break one day earlier for students. Teacher in-service will no longer take place that day. 
  • Thursday, March 22 will now be a full day of school. It was originally scheduled for a half-day followed by parent/teacher conferences. 
  • Friday, March 23 will now be a half-day of school for students followed by parent/teacher conferences. It was originally scheduled as a “ no school” day in the District and a full day of conferences. 

There will be added time made available for spring parent/teacher conferences to accommodate this modified District calendar. This will happen on a school by school basis. 

The tentative last day of school remains Wednesday, June 13th as originally planned, subject to change if there are snow days this winter. Any snow days that occur will be made up in June. BHS Graduation will still take place on Thursday, June 14th at 10 AM and will not change. 
Questions? Contact:

Erik Wells
Communications Specialist 802-540-5347


Basketball Sign-ups

October 30th

3pm in the gymTryouts start Nov 6th

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hunt Middle School PTO Blog ~ May 21, 2017

Upcoming Band Concert

The Hunt Middle School Band concert is this Wednesday, May 24th at 7:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to bring baked goods or drinks to the bake sale that night and two volunteers to work the table. 


Gardner's Wanted!!!

Stay tuned for the date of the gardening work session--we are just waiting on the delivery of the mulch! Helpers are needed to pull weeds, trim back plants and SHOVEL MULCH!

Hunt Tee Shirt Orders are due to the office by 4 pm on May 30th!

We have Men's and Women's cuts,in grey, with the cool HMS panther logo. At only $13 each it's a great way to show off your panther pride while supporting student activities at the school. You can purchase anytime by contacting the PTO at 

All proceeds go toward funding student activities.  

Thank you for supporting HMS!