Please Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year!
Welcome and Introductions:
Principal’s Updates:
First two weeks of school highlights
Electives/enrichment courses
School improvement grant status
Family communication
Technology / chromebooks
Advisory structure
BREAKFAST and getting to school early
Family Advisory Council:
Melanee to explain
Upcoming HMS Events - how can PTO / families assist?
Playing Fields - Sept 10 - 4PM
PTO table to sign more people up and promote PTO
Potluck, Sept 24
2-3 parents to help coordinate
Amy to set up the signup genius
Events for Oct-Dec
Parent involvement survey.
Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024
PTO Business:
Parent/guardian involvement, needs
Fundraising Committee
Dance Committee
Bake sales Coordinators
School Community Events
Book fair
Spelling Bee?
Science Fair
Pancake Breakfast
Talent Show
School Play
Garden Committee
School Swag
Volunteer protocol/paperwork for parent/guardian field trip chaperones
Fundraising Activities:
Need to come up with ideas
family direct ask (late sept)
solicitation for donations from big local businesses
Grants (Robin)
silent auction
Winter Gear Drive
Election Bake Sales @ Miller Center & St. Marks
Student committee for fundraising?
PTO non-profit status
Teacher expenditures