Hey There Hunt Families - Have a great week - stay warm! Kate B.
Informational evening for parents/guardians of the incoming class of 2016 at
7:00 PM on Thursday, January 19, 2012 in the BHS auditorium. This evening is an opportunity for parents to learn about Burlington High School and the registration process for incoming 9
th grade students. You will have a chance to meet BHS administrators and guidance counselors, ask questions, and receive information about the scheduling process for next year.
PTO Treasurer's Report can be viewed by clicking on the link below. The minutes from the January PTO meeting can be found at the end of this post.
Grease Update Sixty five students have signed up to audition for Grease so far. Everyone gets a part, so encourage your child to participate! The more the merrier. (Audition permission slips are due Jan. 23rd in the main office. There are extras on the bulletin board.)
Fundraising is underway. A dance party is planned for Feb 4th and we are hoping to split the proceeds of a bake sale on election day, March 6th. We need volunteers. Want to help? Let Kim Hunt (
khunt@bsdvt.org) or Sarah Smith (
sarah@esptrans.com) know.
Also, we have an important job to fill. Would you like to be a stage manager? Don't be shy! You can do it. Don't know what a stage manager does? We'd be happy to talk about the job! Just let Kim or Sarah know you might want to help.
Our next meeting is January 17th at 7 pm in the Hunt Middle School Library. Don Wright, the director, will be there and we have lots to discuss. Come and join us.
Let’s talk about SEXuality – Adolescent Sexuality
Attention Parents of Tweens and Teens at Flynn Elementary and Hunt Middle School. Parents of students in grades 4-8
You’re invited to a health chat with our own, Dr. Barbara Frankowski. Dr. Frankowski is a pediatrician at Vermont Children's Hospital at Fletcher Allen, has been teaching sexuality education classes in the Burlington schools for over 15 years, and she firmly believes that parents are the most important partners in this process! She looks forward to sharing her experiences teaching your sons and daughters, and discuss ways you can take an active role in influencing your adolescents to make the best decisions! Bring your questions and concerns as there will be discussion time. Dr. Frankowski will bring some of her favorite books on the subject and she encourages you to bring yours too so we can share recommendations.
Be sure to put this opportunity on your calendar!
Monday, January 30th, 6pm – 7:15 (can go longer if there are lots of questions!), Hunt Middle School Library Questions? Contact Kate Belluche at huntmiddleschool@gmail.com or 658-6831
Hunt Drama Program Presents: Adult Dance Party… for Hunt Parents, friends of Hunt Parents and Hunt Staff
Saturday February 4, 7-12 pm
St. John’s Club, 9 Central Ave, Burlington
Come join us and raise funds for the Hunt production of Grease – Hang out with your friends and neighbors while dancing, and enjoying appetizers and a cash bar – Tickets arelimited – Order Early – Bring a friend!
Suggested Ticket price: $20 per person/$30 per couple
For more information call Anne Williams 658-9615 or
annenicholswilliams@gmail.com or Bella Nadworny at
Phone/Email _________________________________
#of Tickets ____________________________________
Amount Included________________________________
Please make checks payable to ‘Hunt Drama Program’
Drop off at Hunt Middle School – Attn: Dance Party
Or mail to Bella Nadworny, 132 Cumberland Rd, Burlington, VT 05408
Include a SASE or Pick up at the Middle School on 2/2 and 2/3 after school
Save the Date....
- January 16 - No school, Martin Luther King Day
- January 17 - Grease Production Meeting - 7pm, HMS library - The more the merrier!
- January 19, 2012 - 9th Grade Orientation - 7pm at BHS
- January 30 - Health Chat with Dr. Franckowski - 6-7:15pm - Library
- February 2 - BSFP Meeting at Hunt (see above)
- February 4 - Dance Party to benefit Grease (check your child's backpack for the flyer!)
- February 10 - Hunt Dance
- March 6 - No school - Town Meeting Day - Vote for a new mayor and the School Budget! (Can you help staff the bake sale table??? or bake something???)
- March 17 - Hunt Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
- March 29-31 - Grease
Hunt P.T.O
Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2012
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm
Babysitting was offered in the Cafeteria
Treasurer’s Report – reported by Brian Pine
• Reformatted report
• Balance at $6,940.11
• Lots of discussion on expenditures. Questions about cost of 6th grade picnic. Will discuss at February meeting. Jennifer Sutton remarked about our contribution to several costly events- International Taste Test (costs ~1k, we give $250) and Iron Chef (costs ~1k and we give $150) Graduation costs are around $1k. Last year we had $200 to give. This year? Marcie will contact some teachers and we will form a sub-committee to talk about what the staff wants and how the PTO can help. Marcie will report back with interested teachers in February.
Principal’s Corner – Marcie Lewis
· Marcie spoke mostly about the Family School Partnership team. Parents are welcome to join at any time. 2 events coming up for a limited audience – a math night and a literacy night to engage families not usually involved in school. Both nights will include dinner, childcare, real world problem solving and prizes)
· Gabi Baumann brought in a design specialist to look at the climate of the school entryway. The committee is talking about different ways to improve this area and the costs associated. Some ideas include plantings, opening up the auditorium and putting in benches.
Sports Communications – Kate Belluche
· Kate presented a document outlining expectations for student athletes/parents and expectations for communications from coaches. Kate also compiled feedback from parents of student athletes regarding sports communication challenges. Parents are interested in having both paper and on-line documents prior to try-outs, team rosters, and updated practice/game schedules. Especially necessary is getting out info about the different sports offered at Hunt and info about trying out during the first week of school. Sixth grade parents especially experienced unnecessary stress due to this lack of communication. Marcie will take these concerns to the sports director and report back in February.
Fundraising Update- Gabi Baumann
• Pancake breakfast planned for March 17th. Volunteers from 7-1, serving from 8:30-11:30. Concurrent silent auction. Committee working on getting food donated as well as securing items for the auction. Auction items can come from community as well as Hunt parents – handmade items and services welcome as well. Tickets will be sold ahead of time and at the door. Committee needs help getting auction items – will announce on blog.
• Gabi has been looking into possible school signs. Folks agree that digital is better than having to arrange plastic letters. Gabi will continue looking into whether the school has any rights/frontage on North Avenue.
- Low meeting attendance. Kate will review past sign-ins and gently remind past attendees that they are missed at the meetings.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm
Next Meeting: Thursday, 2/9/12, 7-8pm