Hunt Middle School Night
hosted by
*UberEats & DoorDash orders will not be eligible, so please order through the Butter website!
Hunt Middle School Night
hosted by
*UberEats & DoorDash orders will not be eligible, so please order through the Butter website!
*** Join us! ***
Friday November 8th @ 7:45am - 9am at Hunt Middle School or virtually (google meet link)
Can you help out? Do you have connections to local businesses? Do you have an idea for an awesome fundraiser or do you want to help out with planning efforts over the next couple of months? If you can spare an hour or two we'd love to have your contribution.
Do you want to help with the school play, science fair or planning community events?
Join us or reach out at
PTO leadership
Hunt Middle School PTO Meeting - Friday, Nov 8, 2024 -7:45-9am
@ HMS or virtually:
HMS-PTO website || Hunt PTO VENMO: Business Profile Lyman C. Hunt PTO [@HUNT-PTO] || Prior meeting notes
Hunt Family Involvement Infographic
Corrections to huntmiddleschool [@]
Welcome and Introductions
Principal/Vice Principal Updates
Treasurer Update:
Family direct ask income
Pingala night income
Expenses paid
Teacher Requests:
Open up Funds for teams - Suggested amount: $150 per 6th grade team, $300 per ⅞ team?
How much for UAs?
PTO Business:
HMS Oct. Events Recap
HMS Spiritwear - ON SALE NOW
*** PLACE YOUR ORDER by Oct 31! ***
Follow this link for pricing and online ordering:
Hunt Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes - Friday, Oct 4, 2024 -7:45-9am
HMS-PTO website || Hunt PTO VENMO: Business Profile Lyman C. Hunt PTO [@HUNT-PTO] || Prior meeting notes
Hunt Family Involvement Infographic
Corrections to huntmiddleschool [@]
Welcome and Introductions: Krista, Johnny, Dana, Maricela, Kristin, Christine, Robin, Ellie, Matt, Pete, Chris, Colleen, Principal Melanee Alexander
Panther Pride (LGBTQIA+ group) in pride parade Sunday 9/8 12pm - did not discuss
Potluck followed by Open House, Sept 24 (5-7) - did not discuss
What PTO Funded in 2023-2024 | |
Team Phoenix: Camp Abenaki trip (9/20) | $500.00 |
Team Synergy: ECHO movie tickets (12/8) | $210.00 |
Trivia night pizza (2/2) | $193.19 |
Orchestra Night dinner (3/13) | $210.00 |
Team Calypso pizza party (2/2) | $50.00 |
Little Mermaid Misc. Expenses [Very Merry Theater paid using $420 in carryover drama funds + targeted 2024 donations from Venmo/bake sales = $2109.87] | $75.49 |
Para-Educator Appreciation snacks & flowers | $54.00 |
8th Grade French Field Trip to Montreal/7th grade Poutine [M. Bartlett raised addition $980 to cover activities] | $1000.00 |
Water for Sudan Fundraiser | $100.00 |
8th grade Great Escape Trip PTO Contribution | $1000.00 |
Team Synergy walking field trip (creemess) | $64.00 |
Team Calypso field trip (transportation) | $400.00 |
Garden tools/supplies | $729.81 |
Total: | $4,586.49 |
Continue Creating a HMS Wishlist
Next meeting: in-person, generally 1st Fridays of the Month from 7:45-9am. Next meeting: ** Second Friday** November 8 (no school on Nov 1).
Please send any agenda items to huntmiddleschool [@]
PTO ListServ: The Hunt PTO welcomes all families to the Hunt community. To better stay in touch with each other please consider getting on the PTO listserv, you can opt to get a daily or weekly digest or to receive e-mails from each other as they come in. Follow this link to sign up for the listserv by clicking on "Ask to Join this Group".
*** Join us! ***
Friday October 4th @ 7:45am - 9am in the Hunt Middle School Library or virtually (google meet link)
We are looking for more folks to help out with fundraising!
Can you help us? Do you have connections to local businesses? Do you have an idea for an awesome fundraiser or do you want to help out with planning efforts over the next couple of months? If you can spare an hour or two we'd love to have your contribution.
Join us or reach out at
PTO leadership
Please Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year!
Welcome and Introductions:
Principal’s Updates:
First two weeks of school highlights
Electives/enrichment courses
School improvement grant status
Family communication
Technology / chromebooks
Advisory structure
BREAKFAST and getting to school early
Family Advisory Council:
Melanee to explain
Upcoming HMS Events - how can PTO / families assist?
Playing Fields - Sept 10 - 4PM
PTO table to sign more people up and promote PTO
Potluck, Sept 24
2-3 parents to help coordinate
Amy to set up the signup genius
Events for Oct-Dec
Parent involvement survey.
Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024
PTO Business:
Parent/guardian involvement, needs
Fundraising Committee
Dance Committee
Bake sales Coordinators
School Community Events
Book fair
Spelling Bee?
Science Fair
Pancake Breakfast
Talent Show
School Play
Garden Committee
School Swag
Volunteer protocol/paperwork for parent/guardian field trip chaperones
Fundraising Activities:
Need to come up with ideas
family direct ask (late sept)
solicitation for donations from big local businesses
Grants (Robin)
silent auction
Winter Gear Drive
Election Bake Sales @ Miller Center & St. Marks
Student committee for fundraising?
PTO non-profit status
Teacher expenditures