Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First PTO Meeting of 24/25!

Please Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year!

When:  Friday, Sept 6th, 7:45am-9am
Where: Hunt Middle School Library or virtually Google Meet 
(If joining virtually, please give us 5 or so mins to get the meeting up and running!)

Our draft agenda is here:
Please email with any additions!

  • Welcome and Introductions: 

  • Principal’s Updates:

    • First two weeks of school highlights

    • Electives/enrichment courses

    • School improvement grant status

    • Family communication

    • Technology / chromebooks

    • Advisory structure

    • BREAKFAST and getting to school early

  • Family Advisory Council:

    • Melanee to explain 

  • Upcoming HMS Events - how can PTO / families assist?  

    • Playing Fields -  Sept 10 - 4PM

      • PTO table to sign more people up and promote PTO

    • Potluck, Sept 24

      • 2-3 parents to help coordinate

      • Amy to set up the signup genius

    • Events for Oct-Dec

    • Parent involvement survey.

  • Treasurer Update: Current M&T Bank balance = $2,991.78 as of 9/2/2024

  • PTO Business:

    • Parent/guardian involvement, needs

      • Committees

        • Fundraising Committee

        • Dance Committee

        • Bake sales Coordinators

        • School Community Events

          • Book fair

          • Spelling Bee?

          • Science Fair

          • Pancake Breakfast 

            Talent Show


        • School Play

        • Garden Committee

          School Swag

      • Volunteer protocol/paperwork for parent/guardian field trip chaperones

    • Fundraising Activities: 

      • Need to come up with ideas

        • family direct ask (late sept)

        • solicitation for donations from big local businesses

        • Grants (Robin)

        • silent auction

        • Winter Gear Drive

        • Election Bake Sales @ Miller Center & St. Marks

        • Student committee for fundraising?

      • PTO non-profit status

    • Teacher expenditures

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