Hunt Plant and Yard Sale a Huge Success!! The weather was perfect and Gabi, Bella, Anne, Tammy and I could not have asked for a harder working crew of volunteers to help us with the sale. We raised over $1,800 on the plant sale, almost $150 on the bake sale and Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and almost $400 on the yard sale items, totaling over $2,300. All in all it was a great day. This money will all be used to pay for the plants, benches and sitting stones for our school's Front Entrance Garden Project and though it will not pay for the whole thing, it is a great and sizable start.
Thanks to all the great parent and High School volunteers who worked so hard on Saturday and the weeks leading up to the sale. A huge effort like this can only be done with the help of volunteers committed to making our school great. If you were unable to help with the sale but want to help, we would be grateful to receive donations toward the school's Front Entrance Garden Project. Please make checks to Hunt Middle School PTO with FEGP in the memo line and give them to Michelle Virun in the main office.
For the next week only there will still be Iris, Day Lily, Lamb's Ears, Sedum, Shasta Daisy and a few other types of plants left for purchase. Contact Susan at or 951-2571 if you have an interest in purchasing any leftover plants.
Parent Volunteers will be needed over the summer to help water the new shrubs and plants. Please contact Susan at the above address or Gabrielle Baumann at or 660-9189 if you can take a week and help water over the summer.
Mark Your Calendar! Come, Eat, View, Discuss :
Miss Representation
Who: Hunt Parents and their middle school or high school children (grades 6 and above only)
What: Free dinner (5:30), movie screening (6-7:30) and facilitated discussion (7:30-8)
When: Wednesday, June 6th from 5:30-8pm
Where: Miller Center
Why: Media is the most persuasive force shaping cultural norms, the collective message that our young women and men overwhelmingly receive is that a woman’s value and power lie in her youth, beauty, and sexuality, and not in her capacity as a leader.
Bake sale to benefit next year’s musical! We need your baked goods, fruit cups, bagged goldfish, and
bottled water for a bake sale at this week’s chorus concert. Help the musical
become a tradition at Hunt Middle School by sending an item to school on
Wednesday or dropping it off with your vocalist at 6:30 pm. Don’t forget to
stop by and get a snack before or after the concert!
Congratulations to the Hunt students that completed relays in the Vermont City Marathon this past Sunday. Nate Belluche, Lucy Hindes, Anders Ode, Zach Popke, Eamon Lynch, Andrew Ducharme, Paul Palasits, Jeffrey Peterson, Sevin Gulfield and Alicia Breen - You Rock! Huge thank you to 6th grade teacher, Mares Chayer for organizing this program with RunVermont. We appreciate the gift of camaraderie and fitness you have given our children. Think your child might be interested in this next year??? Sign-ups start mid winter - hopefully we can get you a heads up when the announcement is made at school. You can also contact Mares at and let her know your child is interested.
Join the Burlington Students Foundation on Tuesday evening, June 19, at
American Flatbread, 115 St Paul Street, Burlington, Vermont to support the Burlington Students Foundation - 5 pm to 10 pm
For every flatbread purchased, $4 will be donated to support student
Visit our new website:
Like BSF on facebook!
Save the Date.... - May 29 - Special School Board Meeting - 7pm, BHS cafeteria
- May 30 - Chorus Concert/Bake Sale - 7pm (performers there by 6:30)
- June 6 - Dinner, movie, discussion - MissRepresentation - FREE!
- June 8 - Grade 6 School Track Meet in afternoon
- June 8 - 8th grade trip to Great Escape
- June 11 - 7/8 School Track Meet in the afternoon
- June 12 - Hunt Picnic Day
- June 13 - LAST DAY - Early Release at 11:30 for grades 6/7. 8th graders released at 10:30 and return at 12:30 for Graduation
- June 13 - 8th Grade Graduation at 1pm
- June 13 - 8th Grade Dance - 7-9pm
- June 19 - Dine at American Flatbread - $4 from every pie goes to BSF (which then goes back to your child...)
- July 25-Aug 6 - Spiral Students here from China - Can you host?
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