Hoping that all of our Hunt families are back in
the swing of things with school now in session.
Here's what's happening at YOUR Hunt Middle School
and throughout the district:

Lettuce Eat Flatbread!
American Flatbread Burlington
Tuesday, October 2nd
Come on out and hang with folks from the
Burlington School Food Project and other
Burlington School Food Project and other
community change-makers while enjoying some
delicious wood fired flatbreads.
delicious wood fired flatbreads.
A portion of the proceeds from your
will benefit Burlington's amazing
will benefit Burlington's amazing
Farm 2 School program.
Come be a food warrior!
**Don't feel like going
out? Then order to-go.**
The New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) is the yearly standardized assessment Vermont gives all middle school students. These assessments are designed to evaluate both individual student achievement and Hunt's annual yearly progress (AYP). All students will be testing October 9th through October 11th in reading and math, while only 8th grade students will test October 12th in writing. Please encourage your kids to get a good night sleep, eat a good breakfast and RELAX before test taking.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Serving from 6:00 – 7:00 pm At Hunt Middle School
Let’s bring together all of our students, staff and their families to share and celebrate the fresh, local, seasonal food we strive to include in our healthy school lunches. Our menu will include homemade recipes, classic favorites and a bountiful salad bar.
Please contact: Jennifer Tomczak at 865-2792 or jatomczak1@gmail.com if you can help.
The Diversity and Equity Committee of the Board has been working this fall on a strategic vision for diversity and equity within the District. This work will be brought to the full Board for approval at the October Board meeting. In addition, the pilot Annual Equity Inclusion Report will be released to the full Board at the October Board meeting, with the goal of public input for the first complete report in mid winter. For more updates on what is happening with diversity and equity in the District, please read the superintendent's blog or the District website at www.bsdvt.org.
Diversity and Equity
The Diversity and Equity Committee of the Board has been working this fall on a strategic vision for diversity and equity within the District. This work will be brought to the full Board for approval at the October Board meeting. In addition, the pilot Annual Equity Inclusion Report will be released to the full Board at the October Board meeting, with the goal of public input for the first complete report in mid winter. For more updates on what is happening with diversity and equity in the District, please read the superintendent's blog or the District website at www.bsdvt.org.

Burlington's celebration of local foods and local farms!
"School Lunch for Dinner"...and a Movie!
Burlington High School
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Friday, October 12th
What are kids eating in the cafeteria these days? Experience school lunch
Burlington-style and pamper your pallet with an array of
Burlington-style and pamper your pallet with an array of
delicious local school food items.
After dinner join us for a screening of
What's on Your Plate?,
a fresh and funny documentary about
two 11-year-old girls as they explore
where their food comes from.
Dinner and the movie are free and we will be gratefully
accepting a $5-10 donation to the
Burlington School Food Project at the door.
PTO will be discussing sports communication
at the October meeting.
The meeting date MAY be changed as October 18th falls during Parent-Teacher conferences. Please look for that confirmation here next week. If you have ideas/experiences/frustrations to share, please attend this meeting or feel free to send an email to huntmiddleschool@gmail.com and your thoughts will be included in the discussion.
& Burritos!!
October 24th, 5-8pm
Boloco on 92 Church St. will be donating
a full 25% of its revenue to
Hunt Middle School Stone
Circle Project.
This includes both dine-in and take-out orders.
Please plan to eat a globally inspired burrito at Boloco that evening, and encourage family
and friends to do the same.
Many thanks to Boloco for the
restaurant's generosity in supporting this great project!!
Work will begin on the The Stone Circle within the next
two weeks!!!! If you are unable to eat at Boloco on 10/24, but want to
contribute to this worthy project, please consider donating directly to the
Stone Circle Project Fund. Checks should be written to the Hunt MIddle School
PTO with "Stone Circle Project" in the
memo line and send to the front office.
Thanks in advance for your

ONE Hunt Families:
The CCTA bus service is here for YOU!
If you have questions about the Neighborhood Specials bus schedules or feedback on how the buses are running in general, please contact Mr. Amato at Hunt at 864-8469 or email him at ramato@bsdvt.org. Families with questions about the bus system can also call CCTA directly at 864-0211 as they can provide parents with guidance on which bus their students need to catch and when. Students should plan on being at the bus stop 5 minutes before the buses are scheduled to arrive.
ONE Hunt families have found that that Bus 26 (arriving on North Street at approx. 7:35 am and noted in last week's blog) runs too late to get Hunt students to school on time. For this reason, Bus 26 is no longer considered a viable option for our students. Bus 35 and 32 (noted below) continue to be available.
Bus 35 will be driving down North Street at 7:03 am --
Drop off at Hunt at approx 7:22 am.
Bus 32 will be driving down North Street at 7:12 am --
Drop off at Hunt at approx 7:30 am.
more info here...
Save the Date....
- October 2nd - American Flatbread Fundraiser for the Burlington School Food Project
- October 8 - 12 - NECAP testing
- October 11 - Harvest Dinner, 6pm - All families invited!
- October 12 - School Dance
- October 12 - School Lunch for Dinner @ BHS
- October 17 - Early Release day
- October 18,19 - No School -Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 24 - Boloco Fundraiser