Welcome to the last week before February break. Stay warm and safe during your time off (or your kids' time off!)
School starts up again on Wednesday, March 6th, after Town Meeting Day. Please don't forget to VOTE! You can locate your polling place and confirm your voter registration here:
A note from Burlington Friends of Education:
With the election about two weeks away, it's time to dust off your old "Schools, Kids, Community, Vote Yes" signs and demonstrate your support for strong public schools in Burlington.
Can't find the old one, or are in need of a new one? All you need to do is click on the link below and enter your name and address and a sign will be delivered to you by a BFOE volunteer. It's that simple!
Can't find the old one, or are in need of a new one? All you need to do is click on the link below and enter your name and address and a sign will be delivered to you by a BFOE volunteer. It's that simple!
Thank you!
BFOE Steering Committee
Also don't forget this week is...
Thank you!
BFOE Steering Committee
Also don't forget this week is...

Hunt Spirit Week Februrary 18-22
Monday- Comfy Day- Wear your Pajamas and Slippers!
Tuesday- Sports Day- Wear your favorite Teams Jersey
Wednesday- Mix and Match Day
Thursday- Twin Day/ Talent Show
Friday- Pride of Hunt Day- Wear Red and White
Tuesday- Sports Day- Wear your favorite Teams Jersey
Wednesday- Mix and Match Day
Thursday- Twin Day/ Talent Show
Friday- Pride of Hunt Day- Wear Red and White
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Saturday night's Dance at the St. John's Club raises much needed funds for
Hunt Drama Program
***************Thanks go out to Susan Rutherford and Bella Nadworny for organizing the event and again to Bella for her hard work organizing the silent auction. Thanks to Anne Williams and Eric Nichols for bringing the sound system and for donating the system's rental fee. The music was amazing thanks to the Nadwornys and George Rutherford who teamed up to bring us great songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today. Thanks also to George for his work on the 50/50 raffle. Thanks Kate Belluche for baking your amazing mini cupcakes. Last but certainly not least, a big thanks goes to Martine Gulick for inviting so many people to this year's dance, which helped to make it such a success, and for the yummy appetizers. Thanks Kim Hunt for your leadership and assistance.
This past Saturday night, at the St. John's club in Burlington, parents and community members enjoyed an evening of dancing and socializing, while at the same time raised money for the Hunt Drama Program spring musical, The Pajama Game. The fundraiser earned $975.00 from ticket fees, a terrific silent auction, and a 50/50 raffle. Thank you to everyone in attendance and to the local artists and businesses who generously donated to the silent auction. We look forward to seeing all of you at next year's dance!
***************Thanks go out to Susan Rutherford and Bella Nadworny for organizing the event and again to Bella for her hard work organizing the silent auction. Thanks to Anne Williams and Eric Nichols for bringing the sound system and for donating the system's rental fee. The music was amazing thanks to the Nadwornys and George Rutherford who teamed up to bring us great songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today. Thanks also to George for his work on the 50/50 raffle. Thanks Kate Belluche for baking your amazing mini cupcakes. Last but certainly not least, a big thanks goes to Martine Gulick for inviting so many people to this year's dance, which helped to make it such a success, and for the yummy appetizers. Thanks Kim Hunt for your leadership and assistance.
Thanks to all those in attendance and all those
who donated to this great event!
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Rehearsals now underway!! |
Is your child interested in being part of the crew? There will be a sign up sheet across from the office this week for kids to sign up! There will also be permission slips for them to take home that will have all of the details.
Here is the latest schedule:
for Feb 18-Mar 7
Tues, 2/19, 3:30-5 w/ Trish in the auditorium: (71/2 Cents) TheGirls, Seamstresses, babe, UnionMen
Wed, 2/20, 2:30-3:30 w/ Trish in C-2: (time I save) hines, Seamstresses, Stitchers
2:30-3:45 w/ Ashley in C-7: (various) Supervisors, babe, prez
Thurs, 2/21, 3:30-4:30 w/ Karen in the auditorium: (steam heat) Seamstresses, UnionMen, gladys, Stitchers
3:30-4:30, w/ Don in C-2: (various) Supervisors, Williams
4:30-5 w/Karen in the auditorium: (her is reprise) prez, mae
4:30-5:15 w/Don in C-2: (sc 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Supervisors, Seamstresses, Stitchers, UnionMen
Fri, 2/22, 3:30-5 w/ Karen in the auditorium: (jealous) hines, gladys
Tues, 3/5, 1-4 w/ Karen/Don/Ashley in the auditorium: (various) babe,Supervisors, Seamstresses, Stitchers, UnionMen. (Note: This is the last day of vacation and there is no school.)
February PTO Meeting
Thursday, 2/21/13, 7 pm
- Welcome and Introductions– Kate Belluche
- Treasurer’s report - 5 min –Brian Pine
- Principal’s Corner – 10 min - Rich Amato
- Fundraising Update - 10 min - Gabi Baumann/Susan Rutherford
- Play Update – 10 minutes – Kim Hunt/Sarah Smith (vols for play fundraiser on 2/16)
- 1. Capstone Program at Hunt Diane Pawlusiak and Jennifer Sutton 10 minutes
- 2. Update on Community Outreach Programs Jennifer Sutton 10 minutes
- (Intergenerational Project, Jr Iron Chef, International Taste Tests, Speakers in the Classroom)
- Spending - $ for Unified Arts? Amount? Restrictions?
- Assemblies/Enrichment opportunities – Jen Sutton, Jenny Tomzak
- Update: Student Achievement
- Other Business for Tonight and/or March
Next Meeting: Thursday, 3/21/13, 7-8pm
Burlington Toddler In Need Of
Life-Saving Transplant
Volunteers are raising funds for COTA in honor of transplant patient Mariella Desjardin.
Mariella is the daughter of Burlington's New North End residents Kyle and Tonya Desjardin and sister of Haylee Desjardin, who is a kindergarten student at Flynn School. Born on October 16, 2011, Mariella was diagnosed With Chronic Kidney Disease.
The doctors at Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts have recommended a life-saving kidney transplant. An estimated $75,000 is being raised by Burlington volunteers.
The first fundraiser will be a benefit spaghetti dinner and bake sale held on Thursday February 21, 2013 at JJ. Flynn School at 6:00 pm. Seats are limited!Adult tickets $6.00
Children tickets $4.00
To purchase tickets please Contact the Community Coordinators: Laurie Carey-Ploesser 318-7742 or Melissa Sweetser (802) 324-4079
Box Tops is February 28th!!
Please send all your collected box tops into the main office today!
Box Tops for Education labels can be found on numerous specially marked products including Pillsbury, Old El Paso, Green Giant, and many more. Simply cut the labels from the packages and send them into the main office at Hunt.
Although each label is only worth 10 cents, together they add up to hundreds of dollars! Your PTO uses this money for valuable enrichment programs, school-wide assemblies, field trips, and classroom tools. Keep up the great work and send in those box tops today!
Don't throw money away, send in those Box Tops!
Contact your school's Box Tops Coordinator, Susan Rutherford, with any questions at susanrutherford@hotmail.com
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FREE Duct Tape Parenting Seminar! |
Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour
coming to JJ Flynn!
The PTO and Family School Partnership invite Flynn, Hunt and CP Smith families to join parenting expert, Vicki Hoefle, on Wednesday March 6th from 6:30-8pm. Vickie will be offering parenting tips, promoting her new book and inspiring families in raising respectful, responsible and resilient kids. (must tell you that I took a parenting class from her ~5 years ago and her ideas and insight really helped me develop some solid parenting skills - I am a huge fan!)
There will be FREE childcare, light snacks and books on sale at the talk. This is a great opportunity that you should not miss- we all have a lot to learn! Space is limited, so please sign up in advance by clicking this link: www.vickihoefle.com/jjflynn Questions? Contact the PTO at flynnschoolpto@gmail.com
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Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction coming on March 16th! |
Volunteers needed for
Silent Auction/Pancake Breakfast,
March 16th
All shifts and jobs available for both auction and kitchen help.
BHS volunteer hours gladly given for auction help.
Contact Tammy Kuypers for volunteer sign-ups at Kuypers5@yahoo.com
Save the date for your PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year! This event will be held on March 16th from 8:30 -11:30 a.m.
Over 100 goods and local services will be auctioned. A hearty, hot pancake breakfast will be served.
Don't miss out!! Details to come.
Contact Gabi at gamabaumann@burlingtontelecom.net or Susan at susanrutherford@hotmail.com to volunteer.
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Are you playing a spring sport, running a spring road race or just trying to stay in shape? If so, we want YOU to run with us!! |
WHAT: Run 1 mile laps on a course around Hunt Middle School, collectively covering 520 miles!
520 miles = distance from Burlington, VT to Washington, DC!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 9 AM to 1 PM
WHY: To raise money for Hunt’s Close Up Washington program which will take students to Washington, D.C. over April break.
HOW: Pay an admission price and run as many laps as you can!
The GOAL is to reach 520 miles collectively
(the distance from Burlington to D.C.!)
Snacks and beverages will be provided for all runners! Run as much as you want and take as many breaks as you need.
Admission Prices:
Students: $5
Adults: $8
Families: $15 max
Very ambitious students could also take DONATION FORMS and ask for donations per mile!
Contact: Siobhan Donegan or Raysa Ortega
ASDonegan@aol.com or raysa.ortega@vtmednet.org
Phone: 864-0984
Please find Spotlight – Superintendent Jeanne Collins Column (2/13/13) here...
New North End Jazzercise offering a FREE week for all BSD families. Click on the link below for a schedule of classes.
New Food Pantry opening in the NNE.
Pantry will be opening soon to provide free food to individuals and families who need extra food support, especially during the weekends. The North End Food Pantry will be open every Saturday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the basement of the Oddfellows and Rebekahs Lodge at 1416 North Avenue. Please enter by the back door of the Lodge. The pantry will feature non-perishable food items, as well as a limited supply of bread, fruit, and milk. For more information, please Contact Thom Fleury at 651-0978 or tfleury@aol.com.
Save the Date...
- February 21st - Talent Show
- February 21st - Spaghetti Dinner for Mariella - 6 pm at Flynn
- February 21st - PTO meeting. 7 pm - ALL WELCOME!
- February 25th through March 5th - School Vacation
- February 28th - Last submission of Box Tops!!
- March 5th - Town Meeting Day -- PLEASE VOTE!
- March 6th - Duct Tape Parenting Seminar at Flynn
- March 15th - School Dance
- March 16th - Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
- April 13th - Run to Washington!
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