Huge Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast
this Saturday morning!
HUGE Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction THIS Saturday! |
The PTO fundraising committee has been working very hard in preparation for our upcoming Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction on March 16th. With breakfast made for you and over $8,000 worth of items up for bid, we are sure this is going to be another memorable and highly successful event.
WHAT: Hunt PTO's Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
WHERE: HMS Cafeteria
WHY: To raise money for 8th grade graduation, 6th grade orientation picnic, Jr. Iron Chef, school-wide assemblies, financial support to teachers and staff for field trips and supplies, and many other valuable activities and programs for enrichment.
WHEN: Saturday, 3/16, from 8:30a.m. until 11:30a.m. Bidding closes at 11:30 am.
COST: Pancake Breakfast $6 adult, $4 kids, free for kids under 3, and $15 family of 4. No entrance fee for auction & you do not have to pay for breakfast to bid on silent auction items (we just hope you will).
Warmly, Gabi, Susan,Tammy, and Chris
Questions about the Pancake Breakfast: Susan at
Coffee Break Fundraiser
at BOTH Williston I-89 rest areas
on Sunday, March 17th
Coffee Break Fundraiser at BOTH Williston rest areas on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th! |
The students who will be traveling to Washington, DC and Philadelphia in April have set up a Coffee Break fundraising event on March 17th from 8am to 6pm. The group will have BOTH the northbound and southbound Williston rest areas booked for the day.
If you are able to donate in any way to this cause, here is what is needed:
coffee donations
individually-wrapped baked goods and snacks
sugar, sugar substitute, creamer, cups, napkins, stirrers and lids for the coffee cups
Please let Mr. Gagnon know if you can donate by emailing him at
If you, your friends or family members will be traveling on I-89 on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, PLEASE stop by to say hello and to support our students traveling to Washington and Philadelphia!

The Hunt Middle School March newsletter is now available online:
Youth Risk Behavior Survey to be administered on Tuesday, March 12th, at Hunt. |
Our school is participating in the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the Vermont Department of Education and the Vermont Department of Health. We are planning to administer the survey on March 12, 2013. For more information go to our website:
Dear Parent and/or Guardian:
Our school is participating in the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the Vermont Department of Education and the Vermont Department of Health. The survey gathers information about health risk behaviors of 6th through 8th grade students. Questions are asked about nutrition, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, physical exercise, and injuries. Schools, communities and state agencies will use the results of the survey to evaluate programs, plan new programs and to secure future funding.
We are planning to administer the survey on March 12, 2013.
The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with state and local school officials, developed the YRBS. It also has the support of many national organizations including the National PTA.
The YRBS is anonymous, and survey procedures have been designed to protect your child’s privacy. The names of students who take the survey and the survey responses will not be disclosed to any school employee nor will any student’s name or survey responses be divulged in a report of the results. We would like students to take part in the survey; however, the survey is voluntary. No student is required to take the survey. As a parent of a student eligible to participate in the YRBS, federal law affords you the right too inspect the survey before it is administered and to opt your child out of participating in the survey.
Should you decide to opt your child out of taking the survey please inform us in writing by returning the enclosed form on the backside or email Hunt School by March 11, 2013.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Peggy Weaver, Student Assistance Counselor at 865-5378. Thank you for your cooperation.
Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
Please Join Officer Rene Berti to discuss the importance of Electronic/Communication Awareness
Thursday, March 21st, 5:30 PM
Hunt Middle School Library
If childcare is needed, please call Michelle at 864-8469 with at least 24 hours notice. Light refreshments will be provided.
Pajama Game Set Building!
Join us for set building on Saturday, March 23, in the Hunt Middle School auditorium from 9-4. This is always a fun event and it's great to see your work come alive on-stage during the performance night. Come for whatever part your can.
Bring: paintbrushes (labeled), tools (cordless drills with philips bits), and/or old clothes for painting.
Highlights include -
- Building/painting a vintage coke machine, refrigerator, sewing machines
- Creating a knife-throwing special effect (who will volunteer to test that one?)
- Creating a pajama factory out of plywood and 2 x 4's!
All are welcome - Whether or not you have a child in the play, we would love your participation!
Many props are still needed to be borrowed
for the play!
Do you have some items at home you could LEND out to play organizers? Here is a list of props needed.
rolling tables w/sewing machines on them
2 or 3 laundry carts (could ask drycleaners)
boxes w/pjs in them
accounting ledger w/lock and key on a string
various sizes of packages
kitchen props (pots, pans, etc)
card tables w/fake picnic food
pocket watch for Hines
baseball gloves (enough for The Kids) and one bat
tennis racket, swimming towel
various little things like notebook, pencils, pencil stands, artificial candles, bags for bagged lunches, fake throwing knives for carnival
Please contact Kim at if you can help!
Update: The families of Hunt Middle School have collected 2 Full boxes of shoes and they have been mailed to ShoeBox Recycling to be sent to places in the world where recycled shoes are re-used. Keep up the great work!! Recycled shoes are great for local economies and keep our environment clean!
Send your pre-loved sneakers, dress shoes, sports shoes, and
sandals to school to be placed in the ShoeBox collection bin to the left of the front door. The student council will organize all the shoes and send them to ShoeBox Recycling to be re-used and NOT end up in the landfill.
Did you know....
*Each year, more than 300 million shoes are landfilled; how many of them could have been reused?
*It takes more than 200 years for a sneaker to break down naturally in a landfill.
Are you playing a spring sport, running a spring road race or just trying to stay in shape? If so, we want YOU to run with us!! |
RUN TO WASHINGTON, DC on April 13th!
WHAT: Run 1 mile laps on a course around Hunt Middle School, collectively covering 520 miles!
520 miles = distance from Burlington, VT to Washington, DC!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 9 AM to 1 PM
WHY: To raise money for Hunt’s Close Up Washington program which will take students to Washington, D.C. over April break.
HOW: Pay an admission price and run as many laps as you can!
The GOAL is to reach 520 miles collectively
(the distance from Burlington to D.C.!)
Snacks and beverages will be provided for all runners! Run as much as you want and take as many breaks as you need.
Suggested entry donation:
Students: $5
Adults: $8
Families: $15 max
Very ambitious students could also take DONATION FORMS and ask friends/family for donations per mile!
Contact: Siobhan Donegan or Raysa Ortega or
Phone: 864-0984
- March 12th - Youth Risk Behavior Survey at Hunt
- March 16th - Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
- March 17th - Coffee Break Fundraiser on I-89 N + S
- March 21st - ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy? 5:30 pm
- March 21 - Hunt PTO Meeting - 6:30 pm in the library - note the new time!
- March 22nd - School Dance
- March 22/23 - JJ Flynn presents the Don Wright adaptation of Frankenstein!
Friday @7pm, Saturday @4pm
- March 28th - Early Release Day - Students released at NOON
- March 28th - Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences 1-3 pm
- March 29 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
- April 13th - Run to Washington!
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