The Hunt APRIL newsletter is now online:
The Hunt Drama Program Presents:
All Pajama Game Families: Please join us in the cafeteria after the final show (Saturday) for cake and to celebrate your children putting on another great musical!! Bring your guests. We'll have three big cakes that need to be eaten. :)
We could use fruit snack donations. Bananas, clementines, and grapes are welcome.
On Thursday we are showing the second act after school. Pick up time is 4:30 on Thursday.
Bathroom changing space is limited, so we encourage performers to wear tank tops and bike shorts/sport shorts that can be worn under costumes - sometimes it is a very quick change between shows - if kids don't need to change in the bathroom each time, life backstage is much smoother!
Families are welcome to bake for the bake sale - items can be dropped off when their child arrives for costumes/make-up or right before the show - still looking for some gluten free offerings and fresh fruit like clementines or cut/washed grapes in cups.
Break a Leg Flowers will be sale at the shows - $2/stem for beautiful flower/message and ribbon to attach.
Thursday, April 4th school performance
Friday, April 5th -7pm
Saturday, April 6th-4pm
On Friday evening only, please join us for pasta dinner including: Penne pasta with marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, & chocolate chip cookies
Dinner prices: Adults $8, Students $5-Thank you in advance for helping us to cover production costs.
Friday night’s dinner served from 5:30 to 6:30pm.
*Order forms for Friday’s dinner located in the main office.
*Entrance to the Pajama Game is free but we hope you will visit our concession stand and purchase a playbill.
*On Friday night, we will raffle off several styles and sizes of whimsical pajamas and $25 gift certificates from Hatley’s and a romantic nightgown from Bertha’s, both of Church Street. See photos of all the pajamas below.
The SamosaMan is coming to Hunt Middle School on Thursday April 11th!
Come watch his cooking demonstration and join students in learning how to make Samosas. Several types of Samosas will also be available during lunches to taste test. Contact Jennifer Sutton if you would like to participate or help with the event, at 310-4998 or
The Hunt PTO and the Family School Partnership team invites You & Your Family to the
Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:00 – 7:30 pm
******With Live Student Entertainment!******
Do you cook a recipe at home that reflects your heritage? We would love to try it!
Please bring a Main Dish potluck item to share & copy of the recipe if you have one.
We also encourage you to wear any clothing that reflects your heritage.
Drinks, Salad, Rolls and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream will be provided!
For questions or to help with the dinner contact Jennifer Sutton at 310-4998, or
The Hunt PTO and the Family School Partnership team invites You & Your Family to the
Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:00 – 7:30 pm
******With Live Student Entertainment!******
Do you cook a recipe at home that reflects your heritage? We would love to try it!
Please bring a Main Dish potluck item to share & copy of the recipe if you have one.
We also encourage you to wear any clothing that reflects your heritage.
Drinks, Salad, Rolls and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream will be provided!
For questions or to help with the dinner contact Jennifer Sutton at 310-4998, or
A message from your Ward 4 school commissioners:
Discussion is circulating about one of the options the school district is examining for increasing student achievement, a possible early release on Wednesdays. In addition to its ongoing efforts, the district is following up on Agency of Education recommendations, and conducting a restructuring analysis. A significant part of this is to find how best to create dedicated teacher time to review student data and adjust instruction accordingly. To do so may include expanding to the entire district the kind of change in the end of the school day that has already been in place at Hunt and the Sustainability Academy, and mornings at BHS.
Many people have contacted us about this, concerned that it will be implemented without public input. Rest assured this is not the case.
Here’s where things stand right now. This proposal – it may be more accurate to call it a pre-proposal – is still being vetted by the district’s administration. That process includes careful study of any district wide rollout, including identifying barriers to implementation, such as child and after school care, and CCTA’s ability to accommodate any changes.
It is important to understand that this is why the concept has not yet been widely circulated. The work to flesh the proposal out, and get answers to the important questions parents will have, is not finished.
Once that step is complete, the proposal will be brought forward to families and the public at large for input and a full discussion. How this proposal impacts family schedules and student learning time are important issues and will be a part of that discussion.
For an idea of what is being considered, here is an excerpt from a brief overview Superintendent Collins provided to School Board members:
“We are looking at all options of when this work (dedicated teacher time) can occur, and have piloted an early release with child care option at Hunt Middle and Sustainability Academy with success. For example, at SA the student day is extended by 15 minutes four days a week, and students are dismissed one hour early on Wednesdays with child care options for that hour in the school. In this way, there is no net loss of instructional time and children are still supervised during the early release, if parents wish. Teachers then have a 2-hour uninterrupted block of time to work in teams and review student data, instructional methods and adjust and align instruction. We are exploring if this option can benefit the district and looking at barriers such as child care and after school programming if we are able to do this, so that students would continue to have full days. “
Early release has been reviewed in committee, and any final proposal will be studied carefully by the Board and follow procedure to arrive at a decision that will be in the best interest of our students.
More information will be available once any proposal is ready for public input and comment. We recommend everyone visit the district website to see committee and full board meeting and agenda information. Typically, our meetings are held on Tuesday, and all board members welcome input.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us about this and other matters.
Kind regards,
Ben Truman and Bernie O'Rourke
Ward 4 School Commissioners
Ben Truman ❘ Ward 4 School Commissioner
Ben Truman ❘ Ward 4 School Commissioner
172 Staniford Rd. ❘ Burlington, VT 05408

Greetings all,
Last week was quite exciting (snow day included). The mayor was able to tour the high school, sit in on Ninth Grade Academy Classes, work with a variety of student staffers and learn about BHS from their eyes and broadly highlight the school in his media communication. On many fronts I would call that a success! We plan to continue this collaboration and communication with Mayor Weinberger's Office and appreciate that he devoted the week to Burlington Schools. It is critical to have a mayor know that the success of schools in a city affects the success of the city. I invite you to read the article in this issue of Spotlight, written about the week with the Mayor from the perspective of a BHS student.
THINK SUNSHINE AND DRY SKIES! Due to the March 19th snow day (our third this year), we are extending the student year to June 14th (half-day) for pre-k-8 and June 11th for BHS (they started earlier). June 17th -19th are Inservice Days pre-k-8 (BHS ends June 17th with the intro to a weeklong SDI). Check with your principal for details on those days.
The FY14 Calendar has been approved by the Board (on the March 12th Board Meeting Agenda: The approved calendar does remove the usual three-day weekend in October. The Board has asked for feedback from teachers and administrators on this last-minute decision and plans to reconsider this at a future Board Meeting, perhaps at the April 2nd Reorganizational Meeting.
The Board has also received a presentation that is being shared across Chittenden County regarding a vision calendar. This proposed calendar uses a seven weeks on / two weeks off model of teaching - same number of days, but chunked differently. The model can allow for professional development, time for reflection for teachers during breaks and remedial or extra intervention for students who need it along the way. Stay tuned for more information on this proposal.
A reminder as parent conferences happen over the next couple of days to discuss summer school with parents, if applicable. We know that many of our students lose academic ground over the summer and programs are in place to support these students. Contact Jeff Fournier with any questions about this process at Visit to access the SOAR Enrollment Form.
WHAT: Run or walk 1 mile laps on a course around Hunt Middle School, collectively covering 520 miles!
520 miles = distance from Burlington, VT to Washington, DC!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 9 AM to 1 PM
WHY: To raise money for Hunt’s Close Up Washington program which will take students to Washington, D.C. over April break.
HOW: Pay an admission price and run as many laps as you can!
The GOAL is to reach 520 miles collectively
Very ambitious students could also take DONATION FORMS and ask friends/family for donations per mile!
Contact: Siobhan Donegan or Raysa Ortega or
Phone: 864-0984
You can also let us know you are coming on Facebook:
RUN (or WALK) TO WASHINGTON, DC with us on April 13th!
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Are you playing a spring sport, running a spring road race or just trying to stay in shape? If so, we want YOU to JOIN us!! |
WHAT: Run or walk 1 mile laps on a course around Hunt Middle School, collectively covering 520 miles!
520 miles = distance from Burlington, VT to Washington, DC!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 9 AM to 1 PM
WHY: To raise money for Hunt’s Close Up Washington program which will take students to Washington, D.C. over April break.
HOW: Pay an admission price and run as many laps as you can!
The GOAL is to reach 520 miles collectively
(the distance from Burlington to D.C.!)
Snacks and beverages will be provided for all runners! Gatorade, bagels with peanut butter or cream cheese, Ben & Jerry's Rainbow sherbet, granola, oranges, bananas, cookies, crackers and hummus or cheese, hot coffee and more! Snack DONATIONS also welcome and gratefully accepted. Run as much as you want and take as many breaks as you need.
Snacks and beverages will be provided for all runners! Gatorade, bagels with peanut butter or cream cheese, Ben & Jerry's Rainbow sherbet, granola, oranges, bananas, cookies, crackers and hummus or cheese, hot coffee and more! Snack DONATIONS also welcome and gratefully accepted. Run as much as you want and take as many breaks as you need.
Suggested entry donation:
Students: $5
Adults: $8
Families: $15 max
Students: $5
Adults: $8
Families: $15 max
Very ambitious students could also take DONATION FORMS and ask friends/family for donations per mile!
Contact: Siobhan Donegan or Raysa Ortega or
Phone: 864-0984
You can also let us know you are coming on Facebook:
Save the Date...
- April 5th - Pasta Dinner, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
- April 5th - The Pajama Game performance, 7 pm (FRIDAY)
- April 6th - The Pajama Game performance, 4 pm (SATURDAY)
- April 11th - The SamosaMan!
- April 11th - Heritage Dinner
- April 12th - Report cards
- April 12th - School Dance
- April 13th - Run to Washington!
- April 22nd - 26th - Spring Break - No School
- May 10th - Student Achievement Day- more info to come for families
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