Welcome to May!
We hope your April vacation was restful and FUN.
Enjoy the remaining seven weeks of school.
We hope your April vacation was restful and FUN.
Enjoy the remaining seven weeks of school.
Student Achievement Celebration

On Friday, May 10th Hunt will be having a school wide celebration honoring student achievement at Hunt Middle School. The festivities will get underway at 2PM in the auditorium and conclude at 3PM. Parents are invited and encouraged to come to the celebration!
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Hunt Book Fair, May 13th - 17th |
Volunteers needed for the Hunt Book Fair!
The Book Fair is happening during the week of Monday, May 13th through Friday, May 17th.
Volunteers are needed during the following times:
Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs. Fri. - 7:45 - 10:15 am
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. - 10:15 am - 12:45 pm
Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 12:45 - 3:15 pm
Volunteers are especially needed on Wednesday and Thursday! Thank you for lending a hand. Please contact Ms. Pawlusiak at dpawlusi@bsdvt.org if you can help out.
Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs. Fri. - 7:45 - 10:15 am
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. - 10:15 am - 12:45 pm
Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 12:45 - 3:15 pm
Volunteers are especially needed on Wednesday and Thursday! Thank you for lending a hand. Please contact Ms. Pawlusiak at dpawlusi@bsdvt.org if you can help out.
Diane Pawlusiak
Teacher Librarian
Lyman C. Hunt Middle School
1364 North Avenue
Burlington, Vermont 05408
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Please volunteer for the Book Fair!! |
Hey middle-schoolers! Register today to play the 1st annual middle school life-size "Sorry!" board game at University Mall. All you need is a team of 4 middle school friends (grades 5-8) and one parent captain.
The 4 players of the winning team will each win a $100 gift card to any store in the Mall! Teams are chosen on a first come-first serve basis so hurry and download your application at www.umallVT.com. Submit your application to Customer Service at University Mall immediately! For information, please call (802) 863-1066 x11.
4th Annual New North End Perennial Plant and School-wide Yard sale, on May 25th
Don't compost those healthy perennial plants, flowers, and herbs! Save them for the 4th Annual New North End Perennial Plant and School-wide Yard sale, on May 25th 8:30-2:00pm. All proceeds will support the purchase of outside garbage cans, and shrubs for Hunt's new front entrance gardens.
Are you looking for a great reason to thin your flower beds? Look no further! Simply dig up your extra plants and place them in boxes lined with plastic, plastic bags or in pots. Then, starting May 10th through May 22nd, from 3-6pm, leave them in the grassy area in the center of our parking lot. (Look for the potting soil, plastic pots, and signs marking the spot!) Volunteers will divide and re-pot your plants for the sale.
Yard sale donations will be gratefully accepted May 24th from 3-7pm at Hunt School. (Sorry, we cannot accept early yard sale donations due to space considerations). To arrange for pick-up or drop-off of your donated perennials or yard sale items, or to volunteer, please contact Susan at 951-2571 or susanrutherford@hotmail.com. High School and middle school student volunteers welcome!
A BHS summer course -
perfect for rising 9th graders!
For the first time ever, BHS is offering a credit-bearing course over the summer. The course runs for 6 weeks, and is focused on food: "Champlain Valley Food History and Production" will be a hands-on course where students will grow and cook local food. Multiple site-visits to local landscapes and farms will be included--as will engaging work at the BHS gardens. The course will be co-taught by Farm-to-School Coordinator, Sarah Heusner, and International Foods teacher Laura Allyn.
The course offers some other benefits:
- A 1/2-year elective credit towards graduation--freeing a student up to take another elective later, or to take an internship, etc. later in their BHS career
- An introduction to BHS in a comfortable, small-scale group
- An opportunity to do something innovative and fun! For more information, students can contact their Guidance Counselor, or BHS Guidance. The application form can be found HERE.
Hoping to see you this summer!
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Come review/discuss North Ave. Improvements on May 1st! |
Safe Routes to School - North Avenue
The City of Burlington was awarded a grant for the planning, design and construction of improvements on three intersections along North Avenue (North Avenue and Plattsburgh, North Avenue and Heineberg Road, North Avenue at Ethan Allen Shopping Center) to make conditions better for students who will be walking or bicycling to school. Construction is expected during the 2013 construction season.We would like to invite you to review and discuss the design of these improvements with city staff on Wednesday evening, May 1 at 7:00 pm at the Lyman C. Hunt Middle School Library (1364 North Avenue – Burlington, VT 05408)If you have any questions about this project, I can be reached at ggomez@burlingtonvt.gov
Guillermo GomezPublic Works Engineer - City of Burlington, VT
Save the Date...
- May 1st - Review/discuss design of Safe Routes to School improvements
- May 10th - Student Achievement Day- 2pm in the Auditorium
- May 15th - Early Release Day - students released at NOON
- May 16 - May PTO meeting - 6:30-8 in the library
- May 18th - Middle school SORRY! game at the U-Mall
- May 25th - 4th Annual New North End Perennial Plant and School-wide Yard Sale
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