Hunt PTO Update
December 5th, 2014
Winter concerts
These upcoming Wednesdays in December will be filled with music! Please come out in support of the many Hunt musicians who have been preparing several weeks for these special performances.
All concerts begin at 7 pm.
Wednesday, December 10th - Orchestra concert
Wednesday, December 17th - Band concert
It costs us over $6000 to put on a production and small fundraisers like this are a big help in getting us over the top! Please consider signing up to donate a baked good, bottles of water, fruit or small bags of chips. Can you help? Bring your donation to the table between 6:30 and 7 on December 17. Feel free to RSVP your item to
Thanks for your generosity!
Tuesday, December 9th 7:00 pm
Burlington High School
The Greater Burlington Women's Forum is partnering with Burlington High School to show a special screening of "MissRepresentation", a must-see film on how the media is educating yet another generation that a woman's primary value lay in her youth, beauty and sexuality-and not in her capacity as a leader. Trailer can be viewed here. For additional information, contact
PTO Meeting this week - Thursday, December 11th at 6:30 in the library. Come welcome our new PTO President, Paula Henry and find out how you can take an active role at Hunt - Despite what your child tells you, he/she really does like you to be involved!
District Announcements
The Board is hosting two budget work sessions designed to provide community members an opportunity to talk with each other about the standards and values that they believe should be reflected in the school budget. Each participant will be asked to complete a brief worksheet that will be collected at the end of the session. The product of these work sessions will help guide the budget development process.
Wednesday, December 17 or Thursday, December 18, 2014 from 7-9PM
(attend one session only)
Burlington High School Cafeteria, 52 Institute Road
Please RSVP by sending an email to or by calling
(802) 865-5332, and indicate if you will need childcare and/or translation services.
The Board is hosting two budget work sessions designed to provide community members an opportunity to talk with each other about the standards and values that they believe should be reflected in the school budget. Each participant will be asked to complete a brief worksheet that will be collected at the end of the session. The product of these work sessions will help guide the budget development process.
Wednesday, December 17 or Thursday, December 18, 2014 from 7-9PM
(attend one session only)
Burlington High School Cafeteria, 52 Institute Road
Please RSVP by sending an email to or by calling
(802) 865-5332, and indicate if you will need childcare and/or translation services.
Invite from the Fletcher Free Library:
Please join us to discuss the future of Fletcher Free's services and programming.
We have engaged the services of Maureen Sullivan, a national Library consultant, to lead a community planning process guiding strategic directions for the next five years and beyond. Through a series of forums we will develop a strategy focusing on Fletcher Free's strengths and stakeholders’ shared values and vision for our Public Library.
Please join us at an 'Open Community Forum' on December 11th from 5:30-7:00pm at the Library.
Your perspective on our services and programming as Library users is crucial to our planning process. We will discuss opportunities for Fletcher Free to contribute to community growth by:
- enhancing literacy and lifelong learning;
- facilitating access to and exchange of knowledge;
- and strengthening community connections.
For more information please contact Barbara Shatara at or on 865-7211.
Mark Your CalendarsA presentation on Mindfulness by Marilyn Webb NeagleyWednesday, January 21, 2015Hunt Library - 6:30 PMWhy Mindfulness?Current neuroscience research indicates that mindfulness can help to reduce stress, regulate emotions, increase focused attention and result in greater kindness. All are assets for learning, living and for general well being.One definition of mindfulness is “paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgment.” Much of our stress, pain, and suffering come from being pulled away from the present moment, with regrets about the past, worries about the future, and judgments about the present.” (JKZ) Another definition might be that it’s the opposite of “mindlessness”.This presentation will provide a simplified explanation of mindfulness, reported neuroscience research findings and an exploration of mindful applications.Marilyn Webb Neagley, Education Consultant and Author.Marilyn Webb Neagley is the director of Talk About Wellness, a Vermont based initiative that works primarily in public schools to deepen and support the inner lives of children.In the early 1980’s Marilyn was introduced to meditation by Dr. Joan Borysenko and later, Dr. Herbert Benson. Since then she has attended courses, professional workshops and retreats that focus on mindfulness and social/emotional learning. She now leads mindfulness-based courses, workshops and seminars, under the umbrella of social and emotional learning.Marilyn, with Aostre N. Johnson, is the co-editor of Educating from the Heart (2011), a compilation of essays by educators. She is a co-coordinator of the South Burlington School District’s new training manual, Mindfulness in Public Schools (2013). She is also author of a children’s book, Loosie B. Goosie (2013) and of Walking through the Seasons (2008), a book of observations and reflections on nature that won an IPPY gold medal for U.S. North-East Best Regional Non-Fiction.Previously, Marilyn was president of Shelburne Farms during its formative years as a non-profit organization.
Please take a moment to read the PTO meeting minutes from November 20th! December's meeting has been moved up to December 11th (instead of the 18th) in the hope that more families will be able to participate.
...and here is the current PTO Budget (all the money stuff:)
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HAIRSPRAY, the musical, coming to Hunt! |
Auditions for the musical Hairspray start in January and the performance is March 26-28.
Would YOU be interested in joining the planning committee for the production or getting involved in other ways? We will be recruiting volunteers to spearhead different tasks related to putting on the production.
If you are interested in attending a planning meeting or willing to assist with other aspects of the production please contact Colby at the address below.
Some of the work that is involved: helping with costumes, set construction, lights, sound, supporting after school rehearsals, fundraising, selling ads for the playbill, helping with front of the house during the performance, baking, hair/makeup, helping provide transportation access to students who want to participate but may need rides home from rehearsals etc., playing an instrument in the pit orchestra etc.
The first production/planning meeting is scheduled for:
Monday, December 8th at 6:30 in the library
We'd love your help and I bet this is one event your child will "let" you volunteer for. Don't wait, high school is just around the corner and then they are off to college and that adventure called life! (can you tell I have a high schooler???)
Interesting in getting involved?
Contact Colby at or Kate Belluche at
Pay it forward fundraiser Keep it coming! Thanks to you we have raised just over $700 to put towards Hunt programs. It wasn't you? Well, it is not too late to donate and help us fund those items on hold (like assemblies, 8th grade class trip, food baskets, team grants...)
Haven't donated yet? Checks made out to the Hunt PTO can be sent into the office in an envelope marked for the PTO. Thanks for your generosity!
Want to follow Hunt Middle School on Facebook or Twitter?
copy and paste the Hunt web site and scroll down about halfway.... - Click hear to learn more about the many accomplishments of the Burlington School Food Project:
September 30, 2014
Dear Parent or Guardian, is a convenient and easy to use credit/debit card prepayment system that allows parents to add money to their child’s meal account at the school. The service allows parents to set recurring payments based on a low balance amount that they determine or make manual payments as they choose.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of a change to the program in Burlington Schools. Starting November 1, 2014, there will be a 3.75% transaction fee charged each time you make an online deposit to your child’s meal account at The fee will be displayed at the time of your payment. For example, if you add $25.00 to your child’s meal account, your credit/debit card will be charged $25.94, and $25.00 will be deposited into the meal account.
In the past, the Burlington School Food Project has paid this cost – which has totaled over $12,000 annually. Since we are a self-funded operation, we are no longer able to absorb these fees. As with ATM, bank, or other services, convenience fees of this type are generally paid by the individual customer choosing to use the service. Additional services include checking a student’s meal purchase history, receiving low balance notification and setting up recurring payments. These services are FREE regardless of whether you use the site to make meal deposits, but you must sign up at
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number below. For technical assistance, please contact MySchoolBucks Customer Support at 1-855-832-5226.
Thank you for your continued patronage and for allowing us to feed your children healthy meals every day!
Doug Davis
Doug Davis
Doug Davis
Burlington School Food Project
52 Institute Road
Burlington, Vermont 05408
Telehpone - 802.864.8416 Fax - 802.864.8438
- December 8 - Hairspray Planning Meeting - 6:30pm
- December 9th - MissRepresentation at BHS, 7 pm
- December 10th - Orchestra concert - -7pm
- December 11th - December PTO meeting - 6:30
- December 12th - Hunt Dance - 7pm
- December 17th - Band concert & Hairspray Bake Sale
- December 17th - FY16 BSD Budget work session @ BHS
- December 18th - FY16 BSD Budget work session @ BHS
- January 21st - A presentation on Mindfulness by Marilyn Webb Neagley
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