Hunt PTO Update
January 21st, 2015
What's happening at HUNT this week and next?
Please check the HUNT activities calendar on the website for up-to-the-minute updates!
No School
Boys B-ball w Colchester
Girls B-ball @ Colchester
Girls B-ball w/ ADL
Boys B-ball @ ADL
Mindfulness Pres. with Marilyn Neagley
HairSpray Auditions
HairSpray Auditions 3:15
Girls B-ball w/ Camel's Hump
Boys B-ball @ Camel's Hump
Report Cards
Go Home
HairSpray Rehearsals BEGIN! Read through: 3:15-5
Boys B-ball w/EMS
Girls B-ball @ EMS
Both Boys and Girls B-Ball with/at Hinesburg- CANCELED
Ninth Grade Parent Information Night at BHS
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HairSpray Auditions THISweek! |
Play Update:
The audition days/ times for all students for Hunt's Production of HairSpray will be:
Friday 1/23 3:15-4:45 Singing with Ashley
ALL permission slips need to be in on Friday!!!!
Also, if you would be interested in volunteering for any aspect of the production we would welcome your assistance! There are many ways to get involved including: helping during rehearsals, providing rides home from rehearsal, backstage, hair/makeup, set construction, sound board and fundraising etc. Please contact Kate Belluche ( or Colby Kervick ( if you would be interested in volunteering.
Important BHS update for current 8th grade families:
The showing of Miss Representation, a film on the impact of media on girls, is now scheduled for 7:00 on Thursday, February 5th, at BHS.
**Save the date for Hunt's Annual Dance Party!! Saturday, March 7th**
Dance party at St. John's Club on Saturday, March 7th, 7-11pm to benefit the Hunt Middle School Drama Club Adults Only! Suggested donation $20 per person/$30 per couple and includes delicious appetizers and desserts. Cash bar with great prices, 50/50 raffle, and silent auction. All proceeds benefit the middle school production of Hair Spray. This dance party is a blast and ALL adults are welcome, not just parents of students in the play!! Contact Bella Nadworny, for ticket purchase, to make a donation to the Silent Auction, or for more information. Come support the arts!
Burlington School District Announcements
Interested in Running for School Board Commissioner?
January 14, 2015
Election Day is March 3, 2015
1. Determine which Ward or District you represent
2. Visit to print out the Consent of Candidate for your Ward or District
3. Collect a minimum of 30 signatures from voters registered in the Ward or District you represent
4. Turn in your completed Consent of Candidate with signatures to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 149 Church Street in Burlington by 5PM on Monday, January 26 to ensure your name is on the official ballot
Need more information, have questions, looking for support? CLICK HERE.
Interested in Running for School Board Commissioner?
January 14, 2015
Election Day is March 3, 2015
1. Determine which Ward or District you represent
2. Visit to print out the Consent of Candidate for your Ward or District
3. Collect a minimum of 30 signatures from voters registered in the Ward or District you represent
4. Turn in your completed Consent of Candidate with signatures to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 149 Church Street in Burlington by 5PM on Monday, January 26 to ensure your name is on the official ballot
Need more information, have questions, looking for support? CLICK HERE.
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