Annual Harvest Dinner this Week!!! Thursday, October 22nd from 5:30-7pm. Bring your family and neighbors for a great localvore meal - you can't beat fresh veggies right out of the Hunt school gardens!!!! We still have volunteer slots if you find yourself itching to donate some time (contact
Speaking of donating, the Hunt FUND ME board will be up with current teacher/team projects that are looking for funding. Dinner is free, so you might consider dropping in a few dollars to fund your preferred projects - every dollar helps get teachers closer to realizing these classroom projects/trips/activities
There will also be a RAFFLE for 4 tickets to Essex Cinemas (looking for a volunteer or two to walk around at the dinner and hawk tickets - you? contact Paula at
AND our Holiday Wreath Sale will start with orders taken at the dinner!
Bring your checkbook if your are planning to support
these other opportunities!!!!
Film/Discussion sponsored by the Partnership for Change this Week:

All are invited to attend this film and a “smart and engaging look at education in the 21st century” on Wednesday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. - BHS Auditorium
Might this be a (free) club that your child will enjoy? Just show up Tuesday mornings at 7:15 - pop into the office and Ms. Virun will send you to the right classroom!
More about Mathcounts: The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that strives to engage middle school students of all ability and interest levels in fun, challenging math programs, in order to expand their academic and professional opportunities. Middle school students exist at a critical juncture in which their love for mathematics must be nurtured, or their fear of mathematics must be overcome. MATHCOUNTS provides students with the kinds of experiences that foster growth and transcend fear to lay a foundation for future success.
For more than 30 years MATHCOUNTS has provided enriching, extracurricular opportunities to students and free, high-quality resources to educators. Every child is unique, but we believe allchildren are capable of seeing the beauty and joy of math, whether they come to us already passionate about math, or intimidated by it.
There are many paths to math. We work to ensure that all students discover theirs.
Mark your Calendar! Production Meeting #1 - Wednesday, November 11th at 6:30 in the library at Hunt
Currently Gathering: Rollerskates, Rollerblades, Bike helmets, wrist guards - middle school kid sizes (around size 5 and up...) Let us know if you have stuff to lend and/or donate! Also, if you hear of anyone getting rid of these items, get them for us or give us a shout! Contact Colby Kervick at
Did you know? There are security cameras located around the perimeter of HMS. One camera is pointed towards the bike rack out front. If your child's bike is damaged or stolen, Hunt can access the camera footage to assist you/Police in tracking down the vandal/thief. Please don't wait too long as the footage will override itself at some point - I don't know exactly when, but I would assume every few weeks.
October Hunt School Newsletter is ready for your reading pleasure!! Click link below or head over to the HMS website! (newsletter comes out at the beginning of each month and can be found on the school website)
Benefit Bake at American Flatbread on
Tuesday!!!! see details below!

Please join us at American Flatbread for a Benefit Pizza Bake on Tuesday, October 20th between 5:00 and 10:00 PM.
American Flatbread will Donate $1.75 for a small pizza and $3.50 for each large pizza.
Burlington Students Foundation grants money to enrichment activities in Burlington. We support the Free Summer Program for all Middle School Students citywide. Burlington elementary, middle and high school drama programs receive grants. Middle School students are funded to attend the BHS musical. BHS students attended the Play Writers Project. We support the School Community Garden Projects. Unified Sports has received support for specially abled students. We appreciate your donations to continue enrichment for our students.
Please visit our website to donate today!
The Mask You Live In
showing at Merrill’s Roxy Cinema - Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00pm
This film follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity. Pressured by the media, their peer group, and even the adults in their lives, our protagonists confront messages encouraging them to disconnect from their emotions, devalue authentic friendships, objectify and degrade women, and resolve conflicts through violence. These gender stereotypes interconnect with race, class, and circumstance, creating a maze of identity issues boys and young men must navigate to become “real” men. Experts in neuroscience, psychology, sociology, sports, education, and media also weigh in, offering empirical evidence of the “boy crisis” and tactics to combat it. The Mask You Live In ultimately illustrates how we, as a society, can raise a healthier generation of boys and young men.
*authors note - I saw this movie last year when South Burlington HS hosted it and it was a very powerful film to watch - especially if you have boys or work with boys... Kate
10/20/15 American Flatbread Benefit Bake for Burlington Schools Foundations (5-10pm)
10/22/15 Hunt Harvest Dinner - free! (5:30-7)
10/22/15 Hunt Harvest Dinner - free! (5:30-7)
10/27,28,29/15 District Community Forum with Superintendent, Yaw Obeng -
Tuesday, October 27, 6:30PMM, Champlain Elementary School
Wednesday, October 28, 6:30PM, Burlington High School
Thursday, October 29, 6:30PM, Hunt Middle School
10/27/15 Hunt Ipad Rollout/Celebration - 5:30-7:30pm
11/6/15 Hunt Dance - 7pm
11/11/15 Hunt Play Production Meeting - ALL potential play/crew families invited!!! - 6:30pm in the library
11/6/15 Hunt Dance - 7pm
11/11/15 Hunt Play Production Meeting - ALL potential play/crew families invited!!! - 6:30pm in the library
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