
Monday, January 30, 2017

Hunt Middle School PTO Blog - January 30, 2017

A Letter to VT State Legislators from the PTO leaders of the Burlington School District

As PTO leaders we are deeply involved in local schools. We have firsthand knowledge of the day to day operations and understand better than many what impact the governor’s proposal that schools freeze spending at FY 17 levels, will have on our students and our families. The only way to accomplish the governor’s request is through more cuts to our schools. Period.

Knowing the issues to which our new governor professes to be committed, we are frankly shocked that he would propose a course of action that focuses solely on reducing spending but is bound to exacerbate several other serious problems with which the state is grappling.

In his inaugural address, Governor Scott promised to take on the opiate epidemic in our state. The public school system is where the fallout of the opiate epidemic is experienced. It is not possible to overcome the problems created by this scourge without addressing and investing in the children affected by it. This will require adding more teachers and mental health professionals, not cutting them.

The Governor also promised to “revitalize our approach to economic development” in part by, “ attracting and retaining working age people,” and “provid(ing) our businesses with the talented workers they need to thrive.” The governor’s proposal, however, makes Vermont less attractive to newcomers by diminishing the school systems and realistically causing an increase to property taxes. It further jeopardizes the viability of the workforce Vermont has to offer to potential businesses.

The governor promised to “transform our education system.” We expected a more creative approach than defunding. Finally, the governor argued “we have to build sustainable budgets that enable us to achieve these goals.” This reduction in education is neither sustainable, it will create more social costs in the long run, nor does it enable us to achieve our other goals.

We believe the governor is putting the cart before the horse. He must examine the education system, call on “frontline employees…who have valuable knowledge about what’s working and what needs improvement,” as he proposed on inauguration day, and then make calculated and educated, cost saving improvements to the education system. To create a situation that indiscriminately demands cuts to school budgets, without a commitment to what is working and what is necessary, is woefully inadequate.

The cost of educating our children is a concern to all Vermonters, as is a failure to do so. The governor should not undermine the work of local school boards and dedicated legislators and should instead take the time to work with these bodies to create successful and sustainable improvements to the state’s education system. We expect no less from his administration.

The legislature should flatly reject this proposed budget and insist that the governor and his office take a more careful and thoughtful approach to budget development. As active and involved participants in our schools, we, PTO leadership, can attest that further cuts will severelydamage both the educational outcomes and the reputation of local schools and will in turn drive aspiring families out of the district and out of the state. The governor’s proposed changes are destructive and contradictory to his own goals of protecting vulnerable Vermonters and enhancing the state’s economic climate.

If the governor is to earn the respect of the electorate, he will have to demonstrate more understanding and creative ability than revealed in this budget proposal.

How Can I Advocate for Our Public Schools?

All Vermonters should speak to their elected officials.

1. Contact your legislators NOW: Here's the link by SU: legislators by Supervisory Union

2. Write to Governor Scott NOW: E-Mail To Governor Scott

3. Call The Sargeant at Arms Office at the Vermont Legislature at 1-802-828-2228 or 1-800-322-5616 NOW and leave a message asking your state senator and/or your representatives to call you. Here is where number of calls received matter. Each one will prompt a legislative page to bring a note to the legislator. Of course, when you do receive a call, be prepared to have a dialogue about what freezing your budget, greater contributions for health insurance, voting on May etc. will do for you and your school.