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Respectful, Safe, Hardworking and Positive! |
The September school newsletter has already been posted on the school website and comes out the first day of every month. This wealth information is undeniably your first go-to source for all-things-Hunt! Be sure to check it out!
If you know families who do not have computer access, please let them know paper copies ARE available. A simple form needs to be completed and is available in the front office.
Follow Hunt through Facebook and Twitter for real time updates!

Hope everyone has had a smooth transition back to school! Here are some quick reminders related to student absences and school hours:
Report Absences to: 802-865-5318
School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday
Sixth Grade begins at 7:55am and are released at 2:55pm
Seventh & Eighth Grade begins at 8:00am and are released at 3:00pm
On Wednesdays
Sixth Graders are released at 2:05pm
Seventh & Eighth Graders are released at 2:10pm
Please come to our FIRST PTO meeting of the year - September 19th, 6:30pm, in the library!
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Come help weed the stone circle garden! |
If you can help weed, lay garden cloth, and spread mulch anytime this fall, please contact Susan Rutherford at 951-2571 orsusanrutherford@hotmail.com or Gabi atgamabaumann@burlingtontelecom.net or 660-9189
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Please contact Susan or Gabi if you can help with the gardens! |
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Check out the school calendar for even more info on HUNT ATHLETICS! |
The Hunt Calendar has been updated to better inform parents about when A/B team sports play their games. Go to the Hunt Website. http://hunt.bsdvt.org/ On the calendar, find your child's sport/game and click on it for more details. If you have other sports related questions do not hesitate to contact Mr. Pecor at wpecor@bsdvt.org
Announcing this year’s HMS musical...
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart, shart@primmer.com, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
Bring in those Box Tops AND Recycle your shoes!!
The Hunt Student Council has taken over the management of both the Box Tops for Education collection and the Shoe Recycling program at Hunt. The council looks forward to all our support this year by cutting out and saving our boxtops from specially marked packages of food and household products. Please send the Box Tops to school and have your student place them in the specially marked can, in the main office.
Pre-loved shoes, sneakers, boots, and athletic footwear can be placed in the specially marked cardboard box just inside the front entrance.
The Hunt Student Council thanks you for your support AND for helping to keep previously worn shoes out of the landfill.
Until officers are chosen for this years student council, please contact Susanrutherford@hotmail.com with any questions.
Burlington Schools Update
BSD Back in Full Swing!
Burlington Schools are off to a great start for the 2013-2014 school year. The climate is positive and students are on task - it is exciting to visit schools and witness all the hard work! Remember to drive slowly and watch for kids on their way to school as you go to work in the mornings.
Burlington School District Budget Process Survey FY 2014-2015
In an effort to receive input from voters prior to making budget decisions, the Burlington School Board of Commissioners is reaching out to the community, asking what the program priorities are before developing proposals for further public comment and input. Throughout September, Commissioners will attend school events to ask for ideas, schools will include information in newsletters and PTOs will also notify parents.
The Burlington School District is soliciting input from the community on three broad issues. We wish to hear early in the process your priorities for possible additions or deletions to District programs. Click the link below for more information and to leave your input.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BSD_Budget_Process_FY15In October, the survey data will be reviewed by the Board and the Finance Committee, at the same time that financial goals will be set for 2014-2015. Proposals will then be developed at the administrative level in October and November, based on priorities set by the Board. Public input will be gathered on these proposals on December 17th and 18th. Per law, the budget will be finalized in early January for a March vote on Town Meeting Day.
This approach will bring greater transparency and more voices into identifying the values of the Burlington community for its schools. Visit www.bsdvt.org for a link to the survey and more details on the budget process and timeline.
Partnership for Change
Join the Partnership for Change for the first Implementation Team Meeting of the year on Thursday, September 12th, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Winooski Middle/High School. Implementation Teams are made up of students, educators, parents, and community partners working together to move Burlington and Winooski Schools forward in five areas: Teaching and Learning Environments, Family-School Partnerships, Youth Engagement, Community Based Learning, and Personalized and Proficiency Based Learning. Snacks, child care, and interpretation will be available. All are welcome!
Proposed “School Calendar 2.0” Community Engagements Scheduled for October
Four dates in October, 2013 have been established for community forums across Chittenden County regarding the proposed Vermont Champlain Valley regional “School Calendar 2.0” for the 2014-2015 school year. One of these forums will be held on Wednesday, October 9th, 6:30 p.m. at BHS.
Based on the Vermont Superintendent's Association (VSA) Education Quality Framework and the VT World-Class Education Agenda, the School Calendar 2.0 is a new way of looking at what a school calendar could look like. This calendar preserves the current 175 student days while building in blocks of times, or intersessions, that could be used for multiple purposes for multiple stakeholders.
Additional regional forums:
Wednesday, October 2nd, 6:30 p.m. – Essex High School
Thursday, October 3rd, 6:30 p.m. – BFA St. Albans
Thursday, October 10th, 6:30 p.m. – Champlain Valley Union High School.
For more information on the proposed regional calendar, visit: schoolcalendar2.blogspot.com.
Burlington Board of School Commissioners Meeting Next Week
Tuesday, September 10th, 7PM - Full Board Meeting: BHS Cafeteria - 52 Institute Road
Agenda and supporting documents can be found here: http://www.boarddocs.com/vt/bsdvt/Board.nsf/Public.
Save the Date
September 12 - Partnership for Change Implementation Team Meetings - 6:30pm - Winooski High School
(For More information... http://partnershipvt.org/ )
September 19 - PTO meeting, 6:30pm, library
September 26 - Open House - 7pm
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting - BHS - 6:30pm
October 11 - First Dance - 7pm
September 19 - PTO meeting, 6:30pm, library
September 26 - Open House - 7pm
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting - BHS - 6:30pm
October 11 - First Dance - 7pm
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