Please come to our FIRST HMS PTO meeting of the year -
September PTO Meeting
9/19/13, 6:30 pm
Welcome and Introductions– Kate Belluche
What’s on your mind? Questions? Comments? Concerns?
- Treasurer’s report - 5 min –Brian Pine
- Principal’s Corner – 10 min - Rich Amato
- Fundraising Update - 10 min – Tammy Kuypers
- Officer Elections – Pres, V Pres, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising, Finance committee?
- 2013 Harvest Dinner / Jenny Tomzak/ PTO support? – Jen Sutton
- Hunt LED Sign /Ronald McDonald Grant –5minutes- Brian Pine/Gabi Baumann
- Misc Issues - Mindfulness Program/did any teachers sign on?, Student Achievement Ceremonies/plan, Sports communication
October PTO Meeting: Thursday, 10/17/13, 6:30-8pm
HUNT PTO fundraising committee seeks volunteers, donations
Our annual goal is to raise $8,000, which the PTO uses to support enrichment for our children, school events and overall capital improvements to the school.The PTO does this by hosting three primary fundraisers each year, which are:
· Holiday wreath sale (October-November)
· Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast (March)
· Plant & Yard Sale (end of May)
The money then supports these activities each year:
· School events: Community Harvest Dinner, Burlington School Food Project (the Hunt garden), 6th grade open house, 8th grade graduation;
· Student enrichment: Junior Iron Chef, donation to Hunt Drama Committee, assembly fees (such as anti-bullying speakers or the Chinese acrobats);
· Team activities: Team grants for field trips, bus fees, etc.;
· School improvements: Video equipment, landscaping & front-entrance renovations, stone circle.
We also provide food baskets to our families who are in need.Do you have an idea? We’d love your fresh energy and creative input. No fundraising experience necessary!
Here’s how you can help:
· Volunteer on the PTO fundraising committee.
· Volunteer as the PTO fundraising co-chair, with Gabriele Baumann.
· Volunteer and/or support the fundraising events.
· Make a direct donation to the PTO (see form at bottom).
For the upcoming wreath sale, we are seeking “wreath captains” to help with sales in October. We will need a second wave of volunteers to help at the end of November with decorating and delivery.We welcome your participation and support. Donate time or money. We can’t do it without you! Every bit helps. The choice is yours, but please do support your PTO in raising the $8,000 we need to continue bringing our children high quality enrichment programs and fun-filled activities.
To make your generous donation, simply print out and return the form that was emailed to you from the Hunt Middle School email address late Tuesday night (Sept. 17th, after 11:30 pm.) Return that form to school with a check made out to “Hunt Middle School PTO.”
Each dollar you give will go directly to the programs the PTO sponsors.
Thank you for supporting our kids, our school
and our community!
Important Parent Meeting at the...
Hunt Middle School
Open House
September 26, 2013
7:00 pm
An informational session you should not miss!
Babysitting available in the Healthy Living Classroom A17.
Please pre-register for baby-sitting by calling the Hunt Main Office at 864-8469.
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Please come help MULCH the Stone Circle Gardens on SATURDAY! |
Help will soon be needed placing garden cloth and mulch around the stone circle gardens. The mulch will be delivered TODAY (Wednesday the 18th) and the plan is to do the mulching on Saturday, September 21st from 10 am - 12 noon. The garden committee of the PTO would like to make a list of those people who may be willing to help. Please contact Susan Rutherford (below) if YOU can help! The garden cloth will help to keep the weeds away and the mulch helps to keep the moisture in, so we can water so much less.
Thank you so much to Lisa Tulkop, her
super helpful kids, Jack and Maddie, and Jim Procopio from the Elk's Club for
helping us to weed the front gardens this past week. The Elks gave the Hunt PTO
a very generous grant last year that helped pay for a large portion of the stone
circle and only asked in return that they be able to help us maintain the site!!
We LOVED this plan!!
Thanks also to Gabi Baumann and Susan
Rutherford for weeding, and leading the effort in getting our gardens ready for
the winter.
Please contact Susan at or 951-2571 if you can volunteer to help place the
garden cloth and mulch. High school students, business groups, and scouts are
Community Forum on the Burlington School District English Language Learner Program
Come learn about the findings of the needs assessment conducted by the New England Equity Assistance Center of the Education Alliance at Brown University and give your input in a facilitated discussion on the priorities for English Language Learners and their families.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sustainability Academy Gym,
6 pm-8 pm
Join us for snacks at 6 pm. Program starts at 6:30 pm.
Interpretation offered for speakers of Bosnian, Burmese, Kirundi, Maay Maay, Mahaa, Nepali, and Vietnamese. Childcare provided.
Please contact a Multilingual Liaison or Nijaza Semic or 288-6048 to discuss your needs.Please RSVP to Chelsea Piazza at or 865-5332 by September 27, 2013.
Some Back-to-School parenting tips from Vickie Hoefle's website...
As the back to school energy (fueled by crisp notebook paper and the scent of freshly sharpened pencils) starts to drop off into a more wrinkled routine, there are 20 Myths that you must not let creep into your mind.
These myths (below) are lies...
They do not reflect who you are or how good a parent you are. Incidentally, these are not true for others, just in case you want to raise an eyebrow at someone else’s messy little munchkin.
Kids will pack Twix bars and Twizzlers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY if left to their own decision-making.
It’s not only okay to be the human alarm clock, the maid and the unpaid chauffeur, it’s also okay if I never hear a “thanks mom, thanks pop”.
Socks must match. Shirts must go on right side out. Shoes must be on the right feet. Kids need styling assistance.
The backpack is yours to stuff, unstuff, pack, unpack, hang up, repeat.
Homework police exist, and you’re the sheriff.
A forgotten lunch causes a lifetime of trauma and life-threatening hunger pangs.
Forgotten boots? Frostbite.
Zombie kids are “good” kids (because they do as they are told and follow all directions appropriately and without questioning).
Prompting a “please” or “thank you” to impress onlookers is always necessary.
Only SLACKER parents do not log into their child’s online grade portal.
Daylight hours are meant to be booked solid.
Kids have to play fair and share or else you must interfere because it is the adult’s job to make it right! (URL link to ok not to share)
The principal’s office is a bad place for pad kids. (link to post)
That science project had better look amazing – and you should see to it.
Kids who make messes have sloppy, inattentive moms and dads.
Invite everyone! It’s worth spending an arm and a leg on that bday party to preserve hurting feelings.
Mistakes are to be avoided and screw ups are to be punished.
Kids will grow out of their “annoying’ or pesky behaviors.
There is plenty of time LATER to train the kids.
My reputation matters.
Do you have any other false beliefs you’re trying to let go of? Share!
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart,, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
The Hunt Student Council has taken over the management of both the Box Tops for Education collection and the Shoe Recycling program at Hunt. The council looks forward to all our support this year by cutting out and saving our boxtops from specially marked packages of food and household products. Please send the Box Tops to school and have your student place them in the specially marked can, in the main office.
Pre-loved shoes, sneakers, boots, and athletic footwear can be placed in the specially marked cardboard box just inside the front entrance.
The Hunt Student Council thanks you for your support AND for helping to keep previously worn shoes out of the landfill.
Until officers are chosen for this years student council, please contact with any questions.
BSD Back in Full Swing!
Burlington Schools are off to a great start for the 2013-2014 school year. The climate is positive and students are on task - it is exciting to visit schools and witness all the hard work! Remember to drive slowly and watch for kids on their way to school as you go to work in the mornings.
The Burlington School District is soliciting input from the community on three broad issues. We wish to hear early in the process your priorities for possible additions or deletions to District programs. Click the link below for more information and to leave your input.
In October, the survey data will be reviewed by the Board and the Finance Committee, at the same time that financial goals will be set for 2014-2015. Proposals will then be developed at the administrative level in October and November, based on priorities set by the Board. Public input will be gathered on these proposals on December 17th and 18th. Per law, the budget will be finalized in early January for a March vote on Town Meeting Day.
This approach will bring greater transparency and more voices into identifying the values of the Burlington community for its schools. Visit for a link to the survey and more details on the budget process and timeline.
Four dates in October, 2013 have been established for community forums across Chittenden County regarding the proposed Vermont Champlain Valley regional “School Calendar 2.0” for the 2014-2015 school year. One of these forums will be held on Wednesday, October 9th, 6:30 p.m. at BHS.
Based on the Vermont Superintendent's Association (VSA) Education Quality Framework and the VT World-Class Education Agenda, the School Calendar 2.0 is a new way of looking at what a school calendar could look like. This calendar preserves the current 175 student days while building in blocks of times, or intersessions, that could be used for multiple purposes for multiple stakeholders.
Additional regional forums:
For more information on the proposed regional calendar, visit:
Save the Date
September 19 - PTO meeting, 6:30pm, library
September 21 - Garden cloth / Mulching around Stone Circle Gardens, 10 am - 12 noon
September 26 - Open House - 7pm
September 30 - Community Forum on ELL program; SA gym, 6-8 pm
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting - BHS - 6:30pm
October 11 - First Dance - 7pm
October 24 - Community Harvest Dinner, 6 - 7 pm
20 School-Year MYTHS All Parents Must Ignore
As the back to school energy (fueled by crisp notebook paper and the scent of freshly sharpened pencils) starts to drop off into a more wrinkled routine, there are 20 Myths that you must not let creep into your mind.
These myths (below) are lies...
They do not reflect who you are or how good a parent you are. Incidentally, these are not true for others, just in case you want to raise an eyebrow at someone else’s messy little munchkin.
Kids will pack Twix bars and Twizzlers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY if left to their own decision-making.
It’s not only okay to be the human alarm clock, the maid and the unpaid chauffeur, it’s also okay if I never hear a “thanks mom, thanks pop”.
Socks must match. Shirts must go on right side out. Shoes must be on the right feet. Kids need styling assistance.
The backpack is yours to stuff, unstuff, pack, unpack, hang up, repeat.
Homework police exist, and you’re the sheriff.
A forgotten lunch causes a lifetime of trauma and life-threatening hunger pangs.
Forgotten boots? Frostbite.
Zombie kids are “good” kids (because they do as they are told and follow all directions appropriately and without questioning).
Prompting a “please” or “thank you” to impress onlookers is always necessary.
Only SLACKER parents do not log into their child’s online grade portal.
Daylight hours are meant to be booked solid.
Kids have to play fair and share or else you must interfere because it is the adult’s job to make it right! (URL link to ok not to share)
The principal’s office is a bad place for pad kids. (link to post)
That science project had better look amazing – and you should see to it.
Kids who make messes have sloppy, inattentive moms and dads.
Invite everyone! It’s worth spending an arm and a leg on that bday party to preserve hurting feelings.
Mistakes are to be avoided and screw ups are to be punished.
Kids will grow out of their “annoying’ or pesky behaviors.
There is plenty of time LATER to train the kids.
My reputation matters.
Do you have any other false beliefs you’re trying to let go of? Share!
Announcing this year’s HMS musical...
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart,, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
Bring in those Box Tops AND Recycle your shoes!!
The Hunt Student Council has taken over the management of both the Box Tops for Education collection and the Shoe Recycling program at Hunt. The council looks forward to all our support this year by cutting out and saving our boxtops from specially marked packages of food and household products. Please send the Box Tops to school and have your student place them in the specially marked can, in the main office.
Pre-loved shoes, sneakers, boots, and athletic footwear can be placed in the specially marked cardboard box just inside the front entrance.
The Hunt Student Council thanks you for your support AND for helping to keep previously worn shoes out of the landfill.
Until officers are chosen for this years student council, please contact with any questions.
Burlington Schools Update
Jeanne Collins – Superintendent of Schools, Burlington School District
BSD Back in Full Swing!
Burlington Schools are off to a great start for the 2013-2014 school year. The climate is positive and students are on task - it is exciting to visit schools and witness all the hard work! Remember to drive slowly and watch for kids on their way to school as you go to work in the mornings.
Burlington School District Budget Process Survey FY 2014-2015
In an effort to receive input from voters prior to making budget decisions, the Burlington School Board of Commissioners is reaching out to the community, asking what the program priorities are before developing proposals for further public comment and input. Throughout September, Commissioners will attend school events to ask for ideas, schools will include information in newsletters and PTOs will also notify parents.
The Burlington School District is soliciting input from the community on three broad issues. We wish to hear early in the process your priorities for possible additions or deletions to District programs. Click the link below for more information and to leave your input.
In October, the survey data will be reviewed by the Board and the Finance Committee, at the same time that financial goals will be set for 2014-2015. Proposals will then be developed at the administrative level in October and November, based on priorities set by the Board. Public input will be gathered on these proposals on December 17th and 18th. Per law, the budget will be finalized in early January for a March vote on Town Meeting Day.
This approach will bring greater transparency and more voices into identifying the values of the Burlington community for its schools. Visit for a link to the survey and more details on the budget process and timeline.
Proposed “School Calendar 2.0” Community Engagements Scheduled for October
Four dates in October, 2013 have been established for community forums across Chittenden County regarding the proposed Vermont Champlain Valley regional “School Calendar 2.0” for the 2014-2015 school year. One of these forums will be held on Wednesday, October 9th, 6:30 p.m. at BHS.
Based on the Vermont Superintendent's Association (VSA) Education Quality Framework and the VT World-Class Education Agenda, the School Calendar 2.0 is a new way of looking at what a school calendar could look like. This calendar preserves the current 175 student days while building in blocks of times, or intersessions, that could be used for multiple purposes for multiple stakeholders.
Additional regional forums:
Wednesday, October 2nd, 6:30 p.m. – Essex High School
Thursday, October 3rd, 6:30 p.m. – BFA St. Albans
Thursday, October 10th, 6:30 p.m. – Champlain Valley Union High School.
For more information on the proposed regional calendar, visit:
Hunt Middle School also has active Facebook and Twitter accounts, which can be accessed directly from the Hunt website:
Follow Hunt through Facebook and Twitter for real time updates!
Save the Date
September 19 - PTO meeting, 6:30pm, library
September 21 - Garden cloth / Mulching around Stone Circle Gardens, 10 am - 12 noon
September 26 - Open House - 7pm
September 30 - Community Forum on ELL program; SA gym, 6-8 pm
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting - BHS - 6:30pm
October 11 - First Dance - 7pm
October 24 - Community Harvest Dinner, 6 - 7 pm
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