Hunt PTO Update
October 22, 2013
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Three self-watering planters arrive at HMS! |
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Behold the TRANSFORMATION! Please feel free to enjoy this space when you are next at Hunt. |
October 22, 2013, 6 PM
BHS Cafeteria
Bully is a documentary film about the nation-wide problem of bullying. As part of our commitment to National Bullying Prevention Month, the Burlington School District presents Bully as the first in a series as our part of our educational campaign to foster a safe, inclusive environment for all of our students.
Facilitated by Tracy Tsugawa from the VT Human Rights Commission and brought to you by Burlington School District Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Partnership.
Questions? contact Kat: Phone 802-363-3716 or
Dear Burlington Families and Neighbors,
UVM's Inter-Residence Association Student Organization invites you to:
UVM Family Fall Fest
Saturday, October 26, from 1-4 pm
UVM Redstone Green
No RSVP's Needed - Just Come and Enjoy!
FREE Fun Stuff:
Food, Bouncy House, Pumpkin Painting, Face Painting, Games, and Candy!
Questions: e-mail us at
We look forward to celebrating Halloween with you!
We look forward to celebrating Halloween with you!
Your Hosts,
UVM Inter-Residence Association Students
UVM Inter-Residence Association Students
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Tryouts start on Nov 18th.
Spring Sign ups will be held on March 17th at 6:30pm.
Tryouts will begin on March 31st.
October PTO
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Items
Elections) Rebecca Kaplan volunteered to
be this month’s rotating Secretary (no other Officers were voted in).
(Treasurer’s Report) Rich Amato will check into having the Iron Chef event videotaped,
in order to spread the word about this fun event.
A vote passed to restrict the money from the Wreath Fundraiser for the Hunt
Marquee, in the event that enough funds are not raised through other means to cover
the balance of the costs of the Marquee.
(Locker Improvements) Green Mountain Coffee to provide labor for re-painting
the lockers. PTO will look into having
paint donated or funded through PTO “Special Projects.” Marty Walsh (Hunt parent) will follow-up with
the PTO in December with exact costs and funds needed.
The Gear Up Group, which has been working on ideas for bettering the lockers,
will present their video on the topic at the PTO November meeting.
(Fundraising) The 8th Grade Field Trip will be removed from the PTO 2013-2014
Budget since it will be funded by the Magazine Fundraiser.
Monsters Fundraiser) Brian Pine will ask the Kuypers about helping with the
Lake Monsters Fundraiser.
Issues) a. Kate B. will contact Ms. Monte and Ms. Cruz for more information on
the Mindfulness Program.
Rich Amato will talk with the Climate Committee about their ideas for the
Student Achievement Ceremonies.
hoc discussion on needing to get 6th Grade parents involved in the
8. Mr. Amato discussed the following during "Principal's Corner":
8. Mr. Amato discussed the following during "Principal's Corner":
1) Spanish .5 FTE New Hire-
Ms. Christine Bridges/ Will start on 10/21/13 teaching 6th grade exploratory and one 7th
grade class.
2) Green Mtn. Star-
The Vermont Department of Education will continue to monitor and provide technical assistance with our school improvement efforts.
Five categories will be assessed:
1) Systemic and Comprehensive Approach
2) Effective Collaboration
3) High Quality Instruction and Intervention
4) Comprehensive Assessment System
5) Well-Designed Professional Learning
3) Professional Learning Communities- PLC’s
6th Grade
Special Education
Unified Arts
Social Studies
Language Arts
English Language Learners
7/8th Math
World Language
Do you shop at Hannaford? You can earn money for Hunt without even trying. From September 1 to December 1, 2013, when you purchase participating products, you earn "school dollars" that Hunt can use. Our local Hannaford will give an additional $1,000 to the school in their area that earns the most money. CP Smith and Flynn have won extra $1,000 in recent years. How do you raise money for your school shopping at Hannaford?
Please contact Shireen Hart,, 999-9170, with any questions about this Hannaford fundraiser or to get involved!
What's happening with the Principal Search at Hunt?
The principal search at HMS will begin in November with a posting in national venues. The posting will close in early January and an advisory committee of teachers, administrators, and parents will be formed.
The advisory committee will choose finalists who will be interviewed in front of parent, students, and teachers, likely in late January, early February. The final candidate will be chosen by the superintendent in February, according to the timeline.
Burlington/Winooski Partnership for Change: Community Learning Conversation Saturday, November 2, 2013
9:30 Welcome Reception, Coffee and Pastries Served
10:00 Large Group Presentation
10:50 Student-Led Small Group Discussion
12:00 Lunch
CHILDCARE available at no cost to participants for children ages 3 and up. Please RSVP by email to
INTERPRETATION provided in Nepali, Burmese, French, Kirundi, Swahili, Somali, Maay Maay, Arabic, and Vietnamese.
TRANSPORTATION available at no cost to participants from several Winooski & Burlington locations. See ride schedule for details.
RIDE SCHEDULE Vehicles will depart from the following locations at the specified times on the morning of November 2:
New North End
Flynn Elementary- 8:45
Franklin Square- 8:50
Bessery’s Market- 8:55
Bagel Cafe & Deli- 9:00
BHS- 9:05
Old North End
Sustainability Academy- 9:00
Boys and Girls Club- 9:05
Riverside Health Center- 9:10
South End
Champlain Elementary- 8:45
King Street Youth Center- 9:00
Edmunds Elementary- 9:05
O’Brien Center- 9:15
An invite from the Hunt administration to YOU...
Parent Coffee

Principal/Parent Coffee
Friday, November 22nd, 8:10am to 8:55am
Please join Mr. Amato for coffee and tea. Mr. Amato and other Hunt parents will be available for informal conversation focusing on your child's needs/experiences at Hunt.
Announcing this year’s HMS musical...
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart,, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
HUNT PTO fundraising committee seeks volunteers, donations
The Hunt Fundraising team is very happy to welcome aboard parent Rebecca Kaplan who joins Gabriele Baumann, Tammy Kuypers and Chris Horton. Thank you to all members of this very hardworking team!
The Annual Hunt Wreath Sale is coming up in November! We will need ‘wreath captains’ to help with sales!
We will need a second wave of volunteers to help at the end of November with decorating and delivery.
The money raised by this sale then supports these activities each year:
· School events: Community Harvest Dinner, Burlington School Food Project (the Hunt garden), 6th grade open house, 8th grade graduation;
· Student enrichment: Junior Iron Chef, donation to Hunt Drama Committee, assembly fees (such as anti-bullying speakers or the Chinese acrobats);
· Team activities: Team grants for field trips, bus fees, etc.;
· School improvements: Video equipment, landscaping & front-entrance renovations, stone circle.
We also provide food baskets to our families who are in need.
Want to make a cash donation?
Hunt PTO Families and Supporters can also make a direct donation to the PTO. Each dollar you give will go directly to the programs the PTO sponsors. Just write a note, seal it in an envelope and send your check in to the front office - we'll make it work...) Please email Hunt Middle School PTO at if you have questions.
Thank you for supporting our kids, our school
and our community!
Please contact Gabi at if you can help in any way with the wreath sale!
Bring in those Box Tops AND Recycle your shoes!!
Don't forget to place your pre-loved shoes, boots, athletic shoes, and sandals into the specially marked box, "ShoeBox Recycling", in the main lobby at Hunt. Shoes should not end up in our overflowing landfills when they can be re-used by others who need them. Our student council gets close to $20 per box too, so keep those shoes coming!!
Contact with questions.
Contact with questions.
Last chance for the fall/winter session to get in those Box Tops for Education! The deadline to mail the box tops away, for this season, is just 2 weeks away. Spend a minute looking in your junk drawer, closets and on top of cabinets to find the piles of Box Tops you put away this year to bring to Hunt and send them in!
Thank you so much for collecting them! Now we just need to get them to the Hunt office in the specially marked can so that our own Hunt Student Council can count them and mail them away. The student council earns .10 cents on each Box Top and even more on the Bonus Certificates. Send them in even if the dates are expired! (some will be accepted!) Just send them in! Ten cents per Box Top may not seem like a lot but they add up!
Contact with any questions or Alden Wheeler at, Student Council secretary.
Hunt Middle School also has active Facebook and Twitter accounts, which can be accessed directly from the Hunt website:
Follow Hunt through Facebook and Twitter for real time updates!

Daylight Saving Time ENDS at 2 am on Sunday, November 3rd!
Save the Date!
- October 22 - Bully screening at BHS, 6 pm
- October 24 - FREE Community Harvest Dinner, 5:30 - 7 pm
- October 26 - UVM Family Fall Fest
- October 31 - Halloween!
- November 2nd - Community Learning Conversation at Winooski High School
- November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends - Turn your clocks BACK on Sunday!
- November 11th - Winter athletic sign-ups
- November 18th - Winter athletic tryouts
- November 22 - Parent Coffee with the Principal, 8:10 am