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School Calendar 2.0 |
Not sure how many of you made it to the Calendar 2.0 meeting last Wednesday at BHS, but if you weren't able to attend and you don't get the Free Press, word is that there will be no major changes to the school calendar for 2014-15. Superintendents will be sorting through all the feedback parents provided about the proposed changes.
Not sure if this proposal will resurface, but it did get me thinking... My hunch is that if the District had just asked for input on a proposal without the looming calendar change, most would have just ignored it. Forcing the issue has engaged a lot more families to think about why not all of our students are succeeding at school and what we as a learning community can do to rectify this. I am a firm believer in the "It takes a village" approach to parenting/schooling and I am happy to be having this discussion. It is never too late to share your thoughts on education/Calendar 2.0 and how we can meet all students where they are at. Superintendent Jeanne Collins will always take your comments at jcollins@bsdvt.org. thanks, Kate B.
What's happening with the Principal Search at Hunt?
The principal search at HMS will begin in November with a posting in national venues. The posting will close in early January and an advisory committee of teachers, administrators, and parents will be formed.
The advisory committee will choose finalists who will be interviewed in front of parent, students, and teachers, likely in late January, early February. The final candidate will be chosen by the superintendent in February, according to the timeline.
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Marko the Magician performed at HUNT on Thursday |
Word on the street is that it was a fabulous performance with great tricks and a "paws"itive message. This is your donations and fundraising money put to work at Hunt.
The PTO (that's you - the Parent/Teacher Organization)provides generous funding for assemblies, the Harvest Dinner, school improvements, Healthy City Garden, Iron Chef, Service Projects, Team funds and much more. Many of the extra opportunities you have come to count on being there for your child get a good chunk of their funding from the PTO... just something to think about... We appreciate your generosity around fundraisers, your participation at monthly PTO meetings and your engagement in making Hunt a safe, supportive and friendly learning environment for all students.
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for October 17/18. You are always welcome and encouraged to schedule a conference to come in and talk about your child and his/her progress, goals and challenges. Conferences can take place on any day, not just October 17/18. Contact Therese Barcomb at tbarcomb@bsdvt.org to make an appointment.
Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment if all is going well for your child - you and your child and their teachers are a
team - think of it as a team meeting to help guide
your success going forward.
Facilitated by Tracy Tsugawa from the VT Human Rights Commission and brought to you by Burlington School District Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Partnership.
Questions? contact Kat: Phone 802-363-3716 or kmontero@bsdvt.org
Each dollar you give will go directly to the programs the PTO sponsors.
Informational Meeting and Sign-Ups on Nov 11th at 6:30pm.
Tryouts start on Nov 18th.
Spring Signups will be held on March 17th at 6:30pm.
Tryouts will begin on March 31st.
An invite from the Hunt administration to YOU...
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart, shart@primmer.com, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
Last February, more than 300 students, educators, family members, and community partners from Burlington and Winooski gathered at BHS to discuss what our graduates need to succeed. Since then, based on the input of our whole community, teams in both cities have drafted and revised new Graduate Expectations for the high schools, which are being piloted this year.

Save the Date!
October 22 - Bully screening at BHS, 6 pm
October 24 - Community Harvest Dinner, 5:30 - 7 pm
November 2nd - Community Learning Conversation at Winooski High School
November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends - Turn your clocks
BACK on Sunday!
November 11th - Winter athletic sign-ups
November 18th - Winter athletic tryouts
November 22 - Parent Coffee with the Principal, 8:10 am
The PTO (that's you - the Parent/Teacher Organization)provides generous funding for assemblies, the Harvest Dinner, school improvements, Healthy City Garden, Iron Chef, Service Projects, Team funds and much more. Many of the extra opportunities you have come to count on being there for your child get a good chunk of their funding from the PTO... just something to think about... We appreciate your generosity around fundraisers, your participation at monthly PTO meetings and your engagement in making Hunt a safe, supportive and friendly learning environment for all students.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for October 17/18. You are always welcome and encouraged to schedule a conference to come in and talk about your child and his/her progress, goals and challenges. Conferences can take place on any day, not just October 17/18. Contact Therese Barcomb at tbarcomb@bsdvt.org to make an appointment.
Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment if all is going well for your child - you and your child and their teachers are a
team - think of it as a team meeting to help guide
your success going forward.
October 22, 2013, 6 PM
BHS Cafeteria
Bully is a documentary film about the nation-wide problem of bullying. As part of our commitment to National Bullying Prevention Month, the Burlington School District presents Bully as the first in a series as our part of our educational campaign to foster a safe, inclusive environment for all of our students.
Facilitated by Tracy Tsugawa from the VT Human Rights Commission and brought to you by Burlington School District Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Partnership.
Questions? contact Kat: Phone 802-363-3716 or kmontero@bsdvt.org
HUNT PTO fundraising committee
seeks volunteers, donations
The Hunt Fundraising team is very happy to welcome aboard parent Rebecca Kaplan who joins Gabriele Baumann, Tammy Kuypers and Chris Horton. Thank you to all members of this very hardworking team!
Wreath sale coming up in October; we need ‘wreath captains’ to help with sales! The Hunt PTO needs help with our fundraising committee. Our annual goal is to raise $8,000, which the PTO uses to support enrichment for our children, school events and overall capital improvements to the school.The PTO does this by hosting three primary fundraisers each year, which are:
· Holiday wreath sale (October-November)
· Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast (March)
· Plant & Yard Sale (end of May)
The money then supports these activities each year:
· School events: Community Harvest Dinner, Burlington School Food Project (the Hunt garden), 6th grade open house, 8th grade graduation;
· Student enrichment: Junior Iron Chef, donation to Hunt Drama Committee, assembly fees (such as anti-bullying speakers or the Chinese acrobats);
· Team activities: Team grants for field trips, bus fees, etc.;
· School improvements: Video equipment, landscaping & front-entrance renovations, stone circle.
We also provide food baskets to our families who are in need. Do you have an idea? We’d love your fresh energy and creative input. No fundraising experience necessary!
Here’s how you can help:
· Volunteer on the PTO fundraising committee.· Volunteer and/or support the fundraising events.
· Make a direct donation to the PTO (see form at bottom).
For the upcoming wreath sale, we are seeking “wreath captains” to help with sales in October. We will need a second wave of volunteers to help at the end of November with decorating and delivery.We welcome your participation and support. Donate time or money. We can’t do it without you! Every bit helps. The choice is yours, but please do support your PTO in raising the $8,000 we need to continue bringing our children high quality enrichment programs and fun-filled activities.
· Holiday wreath sale (October-November)
· Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast (March)
· Plant & Yard Sale (end of May)
The money then supports these activities each year:
· School events: Community Harvest Dinner, Burlington School Food Project (the Hunt garden), 6th grade open house, 8th grade graduation;
· Student enrichment: Junior Iron Chef, donation to Hunt Drama Committee, assembly fees (such as anti-bullying speakers or the Chinese acrobats);
· Team activities: Team grants for field trips, bus fees, etc.;
· School improvements: Video equipment, landscaping & front-entrance renovations, stone circle.
We also provide food baskets to our families who are in need. Do you have an idea? We’d love your fresh energy and creative input. No fundraising experience necessary!
Here’s how you can help:
· Volunteer on the PTO fundraising committee.· Volunteer and/or support the fundraising events.
· Make a direct donation to the PTO (see form at bottom).
For the upcoming wreath sale, we are seeking “wreath captains” to help with sales in October. We will need a second wave of volunteers to help at the end of November with decorating and delivery.We welcome your participation and support. Donate time or money. We can’t do it without you! Every bit helps. The choice is yours, but please do support your PTO in raising the $8,000 we need to continue bringing our children high quality enrichment programs and fun-filled activities.
Each dollar you give will go directly to the programs the PTO sponsors.
Need another donation form? (or you can just write a note, seal it in an envelope and send your check in to the office - we'll make it work...) Please email Hunt Middle School PTO at huntmiddleschool@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting our kids, our school
and our community!
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Come enjoy some delicious locally grown food at the
6th Annual Hunt Community Harvest Dinner on Thursday, October 24th!
join us for the
FREE Hunt Community Harvest Dinner
Served from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
menu will feature the local Vermont harvest including:
Fresh salad bar & variety of homemade salads
Misty Knoll Chicken
Squash Mash
Rice and Beans with Autumn Vegetables
Roasted vegetable medley
Pasta with homemade pesto marinara sauce
Red Hen Bread
Warm Apple crisp and ice cream
Chocolate and white milk
projects made with much care will be on display
music provided by Hunt staff and students
Transportation Available*
We hope you can attend this
FREE Dinner Celebration & enjoy this special
Community Event!
Can you help? If so, please contact Jen Tomczak at 373-2371 or jatomczak1@gmail.com
FREE Bus Transportation Available to
the Harvest Dinner:
First Run Pick up: Time
(North Champlain side) 4:45 pm
Health Center 4.50
Wheeler/IAA 4:55
Drop off 5:02
Square 5:07
(City Bus Stop) 5:11
School 5:15
Drop off 5:20
Second Run Pick up:
Barnes/SA (North Champlain side) 5:30 pm
Health Center 5:35
Wheeler/IAA 5:40
Drop off 5:47
Square 5:52
Northgate (City Bus Stop) 5:56
School 6:00
Drop off 6:05
First Run Return:
Leave Hunt: 6:30 pm
Second Run Return:
Leave Hunt: 7:15 pm
Help Needed
To Peel and Chop
Vegetables For
The Hunt Community Harvest Dinner
Help is needed to peel and chop the many
fresh local vegetables that will be used in the recipes at the Hunt Community
Harvest Dinner.
We will be working on Tuesday, October 22nd
throughout the school day. When you arrive at Hunt sign into the main office
and get a name tag and then proceed to Ms Currier's Spanish Classroom # C25.
If you have a chopping knife, peeler and
cutting board please bring them with you, otherwise we will have some available
for you. For questions or more info contact Jennifer Sutton, 310-4998, jsutton@bsdvt.org
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Tryouts start on Nov 18th.
Spring Signups will be held on March 17th at 6:30pm.
Tryouts will begin on March 31st.
An invite from the Hunt administration to YOU...
Parent Coffee

Principal/Parent Coffee
Friday, November 22nd, 8:10am to 8:55am
Please join Mr. Amato for coffee and tea. Mr. Amato and other Hunt parents will be available for informal conversation focusing on your child's needs/experiences at Hunt.
Announcing this year’s HMS musical...
West Side Story, produced by Very Merry Theatre and the Hunt Drama Committee
Performances: April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014
Auditions: January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014
Calling all students, staff and family members interested in helping with the production.
Please contact Shireen Hart, shart@primmer.com, 999-9170, with any questions or to get involved behind the scenes.
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A message from Superintendent Jeanne Collins... |
Welcome Fall! Burlington Schools are off to a great start for the 2013-2014 school year. The climate is positive and students are on task - it is exciting to visit schools and witness all the hard work!
*Save the Date for a Partnership for Change Learning Conversation
Last February, more than 300 students, educators, family members, and community partners from Burlington and Winooski gathered at BHS to discuss what our graduates need to succeed. Since then, based on the input of our whole community, teams in both cities have drafted and revised new Graduate Expectations for the high schools, which are being piloted this year.
This November, we invite you to continue the conversation and join us in moving this work forward. Mark your calendars now for Saturday, November 2nd from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Winooski Middle/High School. For more information, visit www.partnershipvt.org.
As always, I welcome comments, suggestions and observations. Contact me at superintendent@bsdvt.org or call 802.864.8474. Also, like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter @BTVSchools to keep up with all that is happening in the Burlington Schools!
As always, I welcome comments, suggestions and observations. Contact me at superintendent@bsdvt.org or call 802.864.8474. Also, like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter @BTVSchools to keep up with all that is happening in the Burlington Schools!
*Professional Learning Communities
Wednesday Professional Learning Communities hit the ground running the very first day of school. This one hour early release schedule on Wednesdays replaces all other K-8 early release days except for two parent conferences. The schedule change was prompted by a State mandate for restructuring intended to
increase student achievement. The professional learning communities model is based on a simple premise:
to be effective, educators must have the collaborative time to review data, plan instruction and analyze professional practice. For an overview and FAQs about PLCs, visit www.bsdvt.org.
To start the school year, the PLC time has been effectively used by teachers to review school missions, visions, and shared values, as well as identify actions which will lead to all students achieving their personal best. Teacher teams have looked at student data from last year, reviewed assessments administered
thus far this year, selected students for participation in Reading Recovery, planned curriculum, and used student data to finalize kindergarten placements for the year. Work plans are being created for the year and teachers are engaged in collaborative problem solving, planning, and preparation for instruction that
meets children at their just right levels and helps them progress over time.
*Director of Diversity Education and Engagement
Burlington School District is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Da Verne Bell as the Burlington School District Director of Diversity Education and Engagement. With 16 years of experience as a diversity director in the K-12 public schools in Washington, Dr. Bell will be joining the Diversity, Equity,
and Community Partnership work of the District at the end of October, filling a position that has been vacant since last January with the loss of Dr. Dan Balón.
*English Language Learner Updates
In June 2012, the Burlington School District requested a needs assessment and policy review of its English Language Learner (ELL) Program by the New England Equity Assistance Center (NEEAC) of the Education Alliance at Brown University. NEEAC is one of 10 regional equity assistance centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education and serves districts and state education agencies in the Northeast.
The objectives of the review were:
• To assess the current programming for ELLs at the secondary level;
• To engage the school community to identify strengths and needs;
• To identify areas of strengths in current programming; and
• To recommend actions, strategies, resources, and supports towards meeting the needs of ELLs more
Visit www.bsdvt.org to review the findings.
entire Superintendent message at:
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Bring in those Box Tops AND Recycle your shoes!!
Don't forget to place your pre-loved shoes, boots, athletic shoes, and sandals into the specially marked box, "ShoeBox Recycling", in the main lobby at Hunt. Shoes should not end up in our overflowing landfills when they can be re-used by others who need them. Our student council gets close to $20 per box too, so keep those shoes coming!!
Contact Susanrutherford@hotmail.com with questions.
Contact Susanrutherford@hotmail.com with questions.
Last chance for the fall/winter session to get
in those Box Tops for Education! The deadline
to mail the box tops away, for this season, is just 2 weeks away. Spend a
minute looking in your junk drawer, closets and on top of cabinets to find the
piles of Box Tops you put away this year to bring to Hunt and send them
Thank you so much for collecting them! Now we just need to get them to the
Hunt office in the specially marked can so that our own Hunt Student Council can
count them and mail them away. The student council earns .10 cents on each Box
Top and even more on the Bonus Certificates. Send them in even if the dates are
expired! (some will be accepted!) Just send them in! Ten cents per Box Top may
not seem like a lot but they add up!
Contact SusanRutherford@hotmail.com with any questions or Alden Wheeler at aldenw74@gmail.com, Student Council secretary.
Hunt Middle School also has active Facebook and Twitter accounts, which can be accessed directly from the Hunt website: http://hunt.bsd.schoolfusion.us/modules/cms/announce.phtml?sessionid=9c9d474f933e34e8d338bc12da73120f&sessionid=9c9d474f933e34e8d338bc12da73120f
Follow Hunt through Facebook and Twitter for real time updates!
Reminder for Sunday, November 3rd, 2013:

Daylight Saving Time ENDS at 2 am on Sunday, November 3rd!
Save the Date!
October 22 - Bully screening at BHS, 6 pm
October 24 - Community Harvest Dinner, 5:30 - 7 pm
November 2nd - Community Learning Conversation at Winooski High School
November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends - Turn your clocks
BACK on Sunday!
November 11th - Winter athletic sign-ups
November 18th - Winter athletic tryouts
November 22 - Parent Coffee with the Principal, 8:10 am
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