Hunt PTO Update
finally here!!
The 3rd Annual
Silent Auction & Pancake Breakfast
This Saturday, March 22nd
In the
Hunt Cafeteria
Bring the whole family to this important annual event. Enjoy
hot pancakes, real Vermont maple syrup, fresh fruit, pork turkey & veggie
breakfast meats, Vermont apple cider, orange juice, & Green Mountain coffee.
After enjoying a delicious, hot breakfast, place your bids on more
than 220 awesome & valuable silent auction items including gift
certificates to local restaurants, salons, theaters, clothing boutiques, gift
baskets from Shelburne Farms, City Market, & Cheese Traders. Bid on Burton
back bags, bowling parties, an autographed baseball, a turkey deep fryer,
kitchen items, gym memberships, lift tickets to ski resorts & beautiful
local artwork and jewelry. There is something for everyone!
Questions about the Silent Auction:
About the pancake breakfast:
District Announcements:
Transportation Strike Impact on the Schools
March 19, 2014
We wish to thank parents and students for their concerted efforts to get to school over the first few days of the strike. While the first day showed a slight increase in absenteeism (about 20 students out of nearly 4000) and tardiness (about 17 students), the second day these numbers leveled off. Where we have seen the greatest impact has been in the Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) demographic of the District, which is concerning and not a surprise. Friday (pre-strike), about 54% of our absences were FRL; Monday about 64% of absences were FRL and Tuesday we were back to about 58% of our absences being FRL students, closer to the pre-strike level. Students are organizing informal carpools at the high school and some students are asking for work from home if they cannot get to school. We are continuing to monitor the absences and tardies as the strike continues.
Burlington School District Update on Potential Revenue Concern
March 19, 2014
In the analysis presented to the Board last Thursday, March 13th, an area of reporting was uncovered that made the tax rate calculation appear incorrect. This issue was reported to the State on Monday, March 17th, and more than a day and a half was spent with focused attention on the reports, with the help of the State. Ultimately, the State found that the tax rate was set appropriately and there was no error in reporting.
While the Board was pleased with this result, they did feel they needed to work through this issue immediately and publicly. As the Board prepares for its budget building process for FY15, it is important to ensure that there are no loose ends, and that the public be fully informed.
At this time, the Special Board Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, March 20th, is canceled, as there is no urgency to this question. A Special Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, March 24th at the Ira Allen Building, 150 Colchester Avenue. A complete report will be given to the Board at that time.
CONTACT: Alan Matson, School Board Chair
(802) 860-7437
Jeanné Collins, Superintendent(802) 864-8474
Parent Teacher Conferences are
scheduled for 3/27 and 3/28.
While you are always welcome to schedule a conference with one or more of your child's teachers, these days are set aside by the District to free teachers up to meet with families. This is your opportunity to connect with your child's teachers, ask questions about their progress and help your child chart a course for academic success. Parents are encouraged to bring their child along to participate in conferences. Parents can contact These Barcomb in the guidance dept to schedule a time to come in. 864-8470 or

How do we keep ourselves and our children safe in the emerging world of electronic communication and social media?
Join Detective Nash of the Burlington Police Department for an evening of discussion in the Hunt Library on MARCH 26th from 6-7:30 PM.
Join Detective Nash of the Burlington Police Department for an evening of discussion in the Hunt Library on MARCH 26th from 6-7:30 PM.
The Hunt Student Council is partnering with Shoe Box Recycling to recycle paired, wearable shoes. The shoes will be reused for individuals here in the U.S. and throughout the world.
This program provides affordable shoes to those in need such as those suffering from Hurricane Sandy and many others. This will keep used shoes out of the landfill, creating a cleaner and greener planet. Recycling shoes also creates micro-enterprises for individuals throughout the world, fueling local economies here and abroad.
* All paired men’s, women’s and kids shoes that are still usable. That means no holes in the soles and no wet or mildewed pairs. This includes athletic shoes, dress shoes, timberland type work boots, sandals, heels, flats
Shoes We Don’t Accept:
* Heavy Winter Boots, Skates, Blades, Flip-Flops, Slippers, Singles, Unusable, and Thrift Store Shoes.
Where to bring your reused shoes?
Place your reused shoes in the specially marked box ShoeBox Recycling found in the main lobby of Hunt School.
Questions or for larger pick-ups, contact Susan Rutherford at 951-2571 or
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”
Save the Date!
- March 22nd - Hunt Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction
- March 26 - Electronics Communications talk - 6pm
- March 27th - Early Release Day - Students are dismissed at NOON. Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 28 - No school - Parent Teacher Conferences
- March 31st - Spring Athletics tryouts begin
- April 3-5 - West Side Story at HMS
- April 17 - Heritage Potluck Dinner - 6-7:30 in the cafeteria - live student entertainment and free ice cream sundaes (more info coming...)
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