Hunt PTO Update
November 10, 2014
Pay it forward fundraiser Keep it coming! The Pay it Forward fundraiser has netted $360 so far. As money comes in, we will be able to start adding back planned expenditures that have been put on hold. Come to the next PTO meeting on November 20th and help us decide which items can be funded.
Haven't donated yet? Checks can be sent into the office in an envelope marked for the PTO. Thanks for your generosity!
Share your feedback on the new bus policy
with the BSD school board
Recently the Burlington School Board announced it was implementing a policy to make some students pay to get to and from school on the bus.
This policy will impact those Hunt students who do not live within walking distance of the school.
There are three things you can do:
1. Sign this petition:
2. Send an email to the Burlington School Board. Patrick Halladay is the chair. Full list of Board members here:
3. Come to the School Board Meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday, 11/11, at 150 Colchester Ave to speak out during open comment period.
Heather Riemer 802.343.1705
Heather Riemer 802.343.1705
Parent of Eliza and Simon Kissam, Hunt/BHS students
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Harvest Dinner THIS Thursday, 5:30-7pm. |
Help Still Needed!!!
Hunt needs servers and recycle\compost monitors to work from 5:15-6:45 and people to help tear down tables and chairs from 7-7:30.
Contact Deb Anger at to sign up! Hope to see you there!
Superintendent Search Update
Media Contact:
Burlington Schools and Board Identifying Knowledge, Skills and Talents Required for 21st Century Superintendent
Burlington, Vermont - The Burlington School District and the Superintendent Search Advisory Committee (SSAC) of the Burlington School Board are convening three public forums as part of a collaborative effort to recruit and hire a new Superintendent by the end of the current school year. To facilitate the forums, the Burlington-based Partnership for Change, a grant-funded effort that supports innovation in the Burlington and Winooski Schools, has retained the Center for Secondary School Redesign (CSSR), a nationally known educational consulting firm.
CSSR is currently providing the District, the Board and the SSAC with guidance in identifying the job requirements and qualifications for a Superintendent in a system that is moving toward student-centered and proficiency-based practices.
“Research says that the single biggest predictor of job satisfaction and productivity is role clarity,” said Patrick Halladay, Chair of the Burlington School Board. “As schools are changing to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society, districts must carefully identify the knowledge, skills and talents needed in today’s school leaders.”
CSSR has found that most school systems in the country approach the hiring of a leader with only vague expectations in mind. The result is that schools often hire people who are good at getting a job, but not good at doing or keeping it. The extremely high rate of turnover in principals and superintendents across the Country are evidence of this.
The public forums will engage school faculty and citizens in a process known as “position analysis", whereby community stakeholders come together to look at a set of documents that describe the array of skills needed in a 21st Century school leader, and prioritize what they think are the most important for Burlington’s success.
A first forum was held on Saturday, September 27th, at the Sustainability Academy. Approximately 45 people attended the forum on a glorious fall morning.
Upcoming forums include:
- November 17, Burlington High School Cafeteria, 3:30-5:30(For BSD Faculty and Staff)
- November 17, Sustainability Academy, 6:30-8:30 (Open to the public, child care and interpreters for the following languages will be provided: Maay Maay, Somali, French, Nepali, Burmese and Karen)
- November 17, Hunt Middle School, 6:30-8:30(Open to the public, child care and interpreters for the following languages will be provided: Maay Maay, Somali, French, Nepali, Burmese and Karen)
Feedback from all of the forums will be incorporated into the final job description that will be given to the School Board.
“Especially as Burlington ‘remodels’ its education system to align with the needs of a rapidly changing society, we must find a leader who will fully embrace our vision of a student-centered system that benefits all kinds of learners,” said Hal Colston, Director of the Partnership for Change.
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Shrek Coming to BHS! |
Hello friends and family of the "Shrek" cast and crewThe BHS Drama Club is presenting a “Shrektacular Shreksperience” in the High School Cafeteria on Saturday, November 22nd, before the matinee performance of “Shrek.”
This event is a fundraiser for the Drama Club and will feature Games, Crafts, Food, Pictures with Characters from the show, Face Painting, Decorating “Gingy” cookies and a “Make Your Own” Parfait Bar. It will be run like a fair with a small admission fee and then people will buy tickets for the food and activities. Some activities are free, but most are one ticket ($1/ticket).We are having this event to help promote the show and raise money for and awareness of the BHS Drama Club.
We would love to have you support this project in any way you can.1. Spread the word – this is a great family event* Tell your friends, family, neighbors* Distribute the poster (attached)at work, school, daycare* Post the event on Facebook and ask people to “share”* List it on your Front Porch Forum, Church Newsletters and anyother ”lists” you have access to. (article attached)2. Volunteer to help out at the event.We have some family members of the cast and crew already signed up to participate. We still need more volunteers – assisting with craft making and selling hot dogs, popcorn, soup and beverages.If you would like more information or to volunteer to help out, please contact Margaret Welch at 862-2428 or
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HAIRSPRAY, the musical, coming to Hunt! |
Auditions for the musical Hairspray start in January and the performance is in March.
Would YOU be interested in joining the planning committee for the production or getting involved in other ways? We will be recruiting volunteers to spearhead different tasks related to putting on the production.
If you are interested in attending a planning meeting or willing to assist with other aspects of the production please contact Colby at the address below.
Some of the work that is involved: helping with costumes, set construction, lights, sound, supporting after school rehearsals, fundraising, selling ads for the playbill, helping with front of the house during the performance, hair/makeup, helping provide transportation access to students who want to participate but may need rides home from rehearsals etc., playing an instrument in the pit orchestra etc.
Interesting in getting involved?
Contact Colby at
Click on the Doodle Poll below to help us choose a meeting date for early December. Also, email to be put on our play email list.
and for the many runners out there...
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Run Your Can Off!
Thanksgiving Trail Run
Nov. 15th
Last year several Hunt students (and Hunt grads) ran the Run Your Can Off! event over near St. Mike's. Cross-country coach Ms. Chayer ran as well! Now in its fifth year, the Run Your Can Off! Thanksgiving Trail Run is a charity event taking place in the Gilbrook Natural Area on Saturday, November 15, 2014. Participants are encouraged to run, walk, skip or stroll as many or as few 1.25 mile loops as they choose in six hours. Instead of a registration fee, we ask that participants bring cans, pantry items, frozen turkeys, cleaning supplies, etc. to donate to the Winooski Food Shelf.
Time: 9 am to 3 pm (registration/check-in starting at 7:30 am)
Location: Gilbrook Natural Area
Website (with location map/other details):
Runner's World Article:
- November 13 - FREE Harvest Dinner at Hunt - 5:30pm-7pm
- November 14 - Hunt Dance - 7-9pm
- November 17 - Bus Riders need a Bus Pass or pay per ride
- November 20 - PTO Meeting 6:30-8pm
- November 22 - Shrek the Musical, 1 pm and 7pm (fundraiser before 1 pm)
- November 26-28 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
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