Hunt Middle School Blog - October 23, 2016
Hunt Blog - October 23, 2016
Good News
We're happy to report that a contract was agreed upon, the strike was avoided and all teachers are back to school!
Fall Harvest Dinner Cancelled
Unfortunately the Hunt Middle School Harvest Dinner
is cancelled for this year.
A series of unforeseen circumstances have rendered
us unable to host this event this year.
We apologize for any inconvenience this
Principal Notes
Dear Hunt
Middle School Parent
or Guardian:
Please be advised that we are
changing our way of issuing progress reports due to our acquisition of the
Canvas learning management system. Canvas is an online platform from which you
can monitor your HMS student’s assignments and grades on an ongoing basis. In
order to see your HMS student’s assignments and grades you will need to
establish your own Canvas account. This may be easily accomplished by visiting
the Hunt Middle School Website and filling out a brief online form. You will
also need to have your HMS student’s log-in information. I have included
instructions for setting up your Canvas account and linking it to your HMS
student on the reverse side of this page.
Because grading information is
now available on Canvas in real time, from this point forward we will not be
issuing formal progress reports to all students. We will only be issuing formal
progress reports to students who are receiving a grade of D or F in one or more
classes. These reports are being mailed to students’ homes. We are very pleased
to be providing this opportunity for parents and guardians to examine their
student’s academic progress online at any time and are hopeful that the
convenience and real-time availability of this information improves your
family’s ability to partner with our school and teachers to support your HMS
student’s academic success. Please feel free to contact our guidance office at
(802) 864-8470 if you need any assistance in getting your Canvas account established.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Len Phelan
Hunt Middle School Principal
Office Notices
Conferences are to be scheduled during the Thanksgiving Week on Monday and Tuesday the 21st
and 22nd.
We want to remind parents that they can have conferences with their child's
teachers anytime, not just on Conference days.
Please call the Guidance Office at 802-864-8470
to arrange a conference with their child's team teachers.
Reminder for Parents
We have many disabled
children who need to come and go during the day.
Parking in these spots
without the proper placard is illegal and will be reported by the school.
Updated PTO meeting
This Thursday night, October 27th, at 6:30 is our next PTO meeting to be held in the Hunt Library.

All Hunt parents are welcome to attend.
We really could a treasurer! If you would like to help, please let us know.
Everyone, please come and share your ideas with other HMS parents, and learn what is going on at the school and in the district.
We hope to see you there.
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