Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction a huge success!! Your PTO is thrilled to announce that our 1st annual breakfast and auction was a great success. We raised over $6,200 for 8th grade graduation, 6th grade orientation, Thanksgiving baskets, field trips, and enrichment activities. We want to thank all those who attended the breakfast and bid on the items, and of course all those wonderful volunteers who gave up many hours on a Saturday morning to support our school.
A huge thank you to the fundraising team of Gabi Baumann, Tammy Kuypers and Susan Rutherford who organized the event, and to George Rutherford, Brian Pine, Helen Hossley, Kate Belluche, Teresa Giallorenzo, Carolyn Gipson, Kathy Schirling, Jane Earley, Matt Perry, and Jenny Tomczak who supported the fundraising team by gathering donations and helping to advertise the event. A huge amount of gratitude goes to those businesses who donated all the items for the auction and breakfast.
Special thanks to our biggest donor Skirack for giving us a $600 bike for our auction. Parents, please consider checking out Skirack the next time you need a new bike or skis, ski or bike tune-ups, running shoes, athletic clothing, and much more. Shopping at Skirack, and at the other local businesses who donated to our auction, is a great way to show them how grateful we are for thier support! It takes a community to raise a child!
We still have a few quarts of Certified Organic Pure Maple Syrup, from Hillsboro Sugarworks, donated by Healthy Living, leftover from the breakfast. It is available to you for the low, low price of $10 per quart. Contact Susan Rutherford at 951-2571 or to purchase. At this price, it won't last long!!
Did you attend the Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction and have a great idea for next year to make the event an even bigger success? Please email the fundraising team and let them know at We would love to hear your opinions and input. Thanks Gabi, Tammy and Susan
Did you attend the Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction and have a great idea for next year to make the event an even bigger success? Please email the fundraising team and let them know at We would love to hear your opinions and input. Thanks Gabi, Tammy and Susan

Shirin Hart, Kate Belluche, Brine Pine, Teresa Gailorenzo, Martine and Stephen Gulick, Alex and Philip Purl, Kathleen Lynch, Carol Ode, Jon and Tammy Kuypers, George and Susan Rutherford, Jenny Tomczak, Carolyn Gibson, Mary Hart, Dorsey Hogg, Barb Prine, Kathy Butts, Jessica Story-Huston, Siobhan Donahue, Kendra Sowers, Ernestine Abel, Ben and Max Truman, Kerry And Christian Holway, Brooke and Anna from BHS, Gabi and Martin Baumann, Michele Clark, Ann Arcovitch, Jean Benoit , Chris Horton Many, many thanks!
Yesterday was the sign-up for Spring sports. You should be hearing something from the coaches in the next few weeks.
Track and Field practice will start on April 9th. There will be a team informational meeting on April 5th. At that time Mrs. Shortsleeve will hand out practice and meet schedules as well as a parent letter. She will also send home a weekly letter every Monday with any updates, nutrition tips, and requests for volunteers and drivers. Track will practice every Mon, Wed and Thurs from 3:20 to 4:30.
Questions? Email Joan at
The PTO met last week for March meeting. Stay tuned for the minutes. Follow the link below to see the Treasurer's Report:
GREASE is the Word! Don't forget to sign up for dinner with the show! Friday night's dinner is pasta and sauce with a green salad, bread/butter and cookie, served at 5:30. Saturday is your choice of vegetarian vegetable soup, Hearty Chicken Noodle Soup and Chili with beef and beans (recipes from our very own Susan Rutherford, blue ribbon winner in several categories at the Champlain Valley Fair) with bread and a cookie, served after the show. FORMS WERE SENT HOME WITH YOUR CHILDREN - if you didn't get one, they are AVAILABLE IN THE MAIN OFFICE Need more information??? Contact Martine at 488-4445 or
Jr Iron Chef Competition Please Join us at the Champlain Valley Exposition
This Saturday March 24 from 9 am- 3 pm
While supporting our Hunt teams, you are invited to enjoy live entertainment, games and fun children’s activities, purchase delicious lunch prepared by the Burlington School Project, and gather information about farming and food education.
Hunt's 3 Middle School Teams will be cooking up a storm in the morning heat from 9:30 to 11:00 am with the Award Ceremony at 12:15pm. Tickets available at the door: $3/individual , $5/family, children under 3 are free
The Bully Project is coming to Palace 9 in Burlington. Haven't heard about this documentary? Below is some information from the theatre website, but also click on the link included from Common Sense Media
Release Date: To be Announced (end of March timeframe)
Studio: The Weinstein Company
Director: Lee Hirsch
Genre: Documentary
MPAA Rating: R (for some language)
Plot Synopsis: Directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Lee Hirsch, "The Bully Project" is a beautifully cinematic, character-driven documentary. At its heart are those with huge stakes in this issue whose stories each represent a different facet of America's bullying crisis.
"The Bully Project" follows five kids and families over the course of a school year.
Stories include two families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus. With an intimate glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals' offices, the film offers insight into the often cruel world of the lives of bullied children.
As teachers, administrators, kids and parents struggle to find answers, "The Bully Project" examines the dire consequences of bullying through the testimony of strong and courageous youth. Through the power of their stories, the film aims to be a catalyst for change in the way we deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children and society as a whole.
Burlington School Food Project We "heart" Vegetables!
Getting students to eat their vegetables is a constant battle. However, based on a CDC report put out earlier this year through Shelburne Farms and VT FEED, Vermont students are prone to consuming more vegetables that many kids in our country. Although this is dynamite news there still remains room to grow.
The Burlington School Food Project is always finding ways to urge our students to be adventurous in their food choices. We are constantly reaching out and trying new things. For us experiential learning is one of the best ways to get students more involved in their food.
Here is a list of some of our emerging project:
The Burlington High School Greenhouse - Earlier this year Mr. Brian Hoffman, a teacher of science at BHS, offered an unbeatable deal by granting us access to the department's greenhouse. This is a fully functional, glass structure, with automatic sprinklers and temperature sensitive vents. Basically a Farm 2 School dream. With help from Jenn McGowan and her Healthy City crew, as well as City Market volunteers we plan to have the place cleaned out and ready for an April planting. Our goal is to use this greenhouse space to grow healthy starts for all of our district's school gardens. Also by using this space as an educational tool teachers will be able to bring students onto the ground floor of food production. For me this is the most magical part of growing fruits and vegetables and I hope that this experience will cultivate new relationships between our students and their vegetables.
C.P. Smith Heritage Apple Orchard - C.P. Smith, having the space, sun-exposure and proper drainage has become the focal-point for our first ever district apple orchard. This orchard, with the support of principle Thomas Fleury, will house approximately fifteen apple trees of various heritage varieties. Apples play a big role in both the history and landscape of Vermont. Our intent is to offer a space that promotes the examination of both of these topics. In the spring we hope to: break ground, fill site with compost and plant a cover crop in order to ready the ground for tree planting next year. The learning that can be paired with this project is almost limitless.
Our vision includes: community harvest dinners, food-based education curriculum, district-wide field trips, taste-tests, pruning workshops, gardening classes, Vermont storytelling
New Foods coming soon! We have been busy this winter developing new local vendor partnerships. Here is what we have coming your way:
Vermont Bean Crafters Located at the Mad River Food Hub in Waitsfield, Vermont the Bean Crafters will be making: Falafel, Black Bean Crumble, Black Bean Burgers,Hummus
Kingdom Creamery These delicious dairy products come from a family farm in East Hardwick, Vermont. Our schools will be partaking in their rich and flavor-filled non-fat yogurts.
Vermont Soy Company Finally! The USDA recognizes tofu as a source of protein. With that being the case we will now be able to experiment with recipes that include Vermont Soy Tofu
Save the Date....
- March 22- May 17 - Hunt Library Evening Hours on Thursdays for Families 5-7pm
- March 23, 24 - JJ Flynn Theatre presents Narnia - Friday 7pm, Sat 4pm
- March 23 - Hunt Dance at 7pm
- March 24 - Junior Iron Chef 9:30-3:30 - Champlain Valley Expo
- March 24 - Set building day for Grease - all daystarting at 8:30am
- March 25 - Tech Dress Rehearsal for Grease - Noon - All Cast
- March 29-31 - Grease - Th- school show at 2pm, Friday 7pm, Sat 4pm
- April 19th - Hunt Heritage Potluck Dinner 5:30 - 7:00 pm
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